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Dedicated to writing_with_sass

"Hatred, a kind of blindfold that compels a person to go to extremes without a second thought.

And that hatred was now seen burning like a fire in those two pairs of eyes at the sight of her rival standing in front of her with a fake smile on her beautiful face.

But oh boy, it was Hoorain, and if there was one thing she didn't give a damn about, it was people who hated her, because she didn't even have time to spare for them.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" The girl was. still gazing at Hoorain with her blazing eyes, while pointing her index finger adorned with three shining silver rings.

"What if it's a yes? Are you going to eat me alive, or do you have some other interesting plans? Tell me soon, so that I can prepare myself." Hoorain gave a toothy smile to her, who was now clenching her hands into fists.

"Don't, just don't overact, Hoorain. It's no good for you, I repeat, it's not good at all for you to mess with me!" She came forward, leaving a small distance between them.

Just like the color of a chameleon changes, Hoorain's facial expression changed from pleasant to one that made her deep green eyes darken, her gaze fixed on the person blabbering nonsense in front of her.

"Ezza, it's you who is overreacting to a small matter that I did unintentionally. I never messed with you, and I never will because messing with dumb people is not my cup of tea. So, stop acting like you own this whole damn building, and if you're done with your nonsense, we have things to do." Hoorain moved forward, her shoulders intentionally brushing against Ezza's, making her step aside. Ezza was about to grab her arm, but her friend held her back.

Ezza Ibrahim, the only girl who had the heart to hate Hoorain. There was nobody else who could hate Hoorain because, well, she was Hoorain, and that made her special.

Ezza had her own reasons to hate Hoorain, but her reasons were more likely to be misunderstandings fueled by her own wicked mind. Hoorain, being carefree, didn't bother to correct her because she knew it would be a waste of time.

Ezza stood there, glaring at the fading figure of Hoorain with anger bubbling inside her. She clenched the handle of her shopping bags and walked away in the opposite direction, not even paying attention to her poor friend who followed her.

"Dear Allah! How can that so-called friend of hers handle her not-so-polite attitude? Look at the way she's following her, poor girl." Hoorain said, glancing back before turning to her two friends, Tanisha, who was looking at her with a normal expression, and Jannat, whose mouth was agape, not because of Hoorain's behavior but because of Ezza's.

"Enough, Hoor! That's a wrap for today's program, okay, Jaanum?" Tanisha said while linking arms with Hoorain.

"Bro, I seriously don't want to see her face again; she is so complicated." Hoorain rubbed her palm against her forehead.

Hoorain and Tanisha moved forward, but they instantly stopped when they realized their other friend was missing. Both of them turned back to see a confused Jannat standing with her arms crossed over her chest, wearing a look that said she wanted all the details right now.

"Who's this new character in our story that I don't even know? You guys ditched me! I NEED A DIVORCE RIGHT NOW!" Jannat semi-yelled with a fake sad expression on her face.

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