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" IYAAD" Hoorain cried while she screamed her whole lungs out, while she stood near to the staircase with her one arm on her hip and the other fingers slightly pressing on her forehead.

She was done with this son of her husband.

" Jee, Iyaad ki jannum" Iyaad her seventeen year old son who was the exact splitting image of her but in a male version came down without an ounce of fear in his voice at his mother's red furious face.

When he is said to be the living definition of his mother, he exactly is in every single feature except for his height. He had got his six feet height from his father and all other feature including her precious emerald green eyes from his mother.

Iyaad was a trouble maker, most of the freaking time he was. He can never spend a day without making his mother scream and then go in back of her buttering her to the peak which he knows works every single time because he was Hoorain's heartbeat.

" Iyaad, nowadays my email is always from your college. What in the fudge did you do this time?" She asked while looking at him with scary eyes, but her scary eyes always seemed funny to him and his dad.

" Ummi, I did something which will make you hug me with proudness" He said blowing up the hair which fell on his forehead.

" And what is it my son who never makes to make his mother proud do?"Hoorain emphasized on the word 'proud' and asked him.

" I punched an a-hole who proposed aleyna. How dare he propose her?" Iyaad was now fuming with anger making his mother sit on the couch facepalming herself.

Aleyna was Jannat's and Zeeshan's younger daughter, who has got her father's features but mother's character traits, completely. Looking at Aleyna was like watching a tape of her younger days to Jannat.

" Iyaad, words." Iyaad's now fuming face was back to normal while he pressed his both lips together and zipped his lip using his hand turning to Rayyan who was standing in the hallway with his arms crossed.

" Rayyan trust me, I am done with this son of yours. He is proving each day that he is your son." Hoorain said while she pinched his arms making him wince in pain and which earned a chuckle from Iyaad.

" Calm down woman, you are literally acting like a forty year old in your 30's itself. My Hoor is getting old Iyaad" Rayyan said while faking sad sigh which earmed him a pillow from her side.

" I don't want to talk to both of you. Make sure you two don't come near me for the whole day or else I'll pour the whole paint inside Amal's room on you" Hoorain glared at the both and stormed upstairs making the two men chuckle at her antics.

This was their family, their wholesome perfect dramatic family.

" Iyaad, you better go plead her because this time I am not going to come in front of your teacher, she is so scary buddy" Rayyan said while making his way towards the room which was on the right side of dining hall.

" Baba, you can't do this to me" Iyaad cried, while Rayyan and stood back of Amal, his fourteen year old daughter.

Amal was in her own world, a grey headphone on her ears while she swayed the paint brush slowly ok the painting. She had got a blessed hands, which made both the parents encourage her to do the one thing she loved the most, painting. She wasn't like her mother as she was a tall girl with a face just like a model. She had got black eyes, just like her grand mother and talking about her behaviour she can be Durrah's twin. Hoorain labels her as Durran in parallel universe.

" Baba" She removed her headphone after keeping the brush on the palette on the table which now had a different shade of color on it on the top of the table which had small drops of paint scattered on it.

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