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Jannat approached them, holding a small pink paper in one hand and a jar filled with colorful papers in the other.

Riaz took the paper from Jannat's hand and read aloud, "Library, History section, 3rd row :("

They exchanged puzzled looks.

"What does that even mean?" Tanisha asked.

"Maybe she wrote it down to remember a book she took from that row," Hoor suggested with a grin.

"Your Highness, can you please be quiet for just a minute?" Jannat folded her arms, exasperated.

"What's wrong with that? I'm sure it's for that reason," Hoorain retorted.

Jannat playfully smacked Hoorain's head.

"Hoor, look here. If she wrote it to remember something, why would there be a sad emoji next to it?" Jannat pointed out.

"Oh yeah, I see it now," Hoorain said, scratching her forehead.

Jannat rolled her eyes.

"So, Jaan, that means there's something in that library that Mishel wanted others to see?" Riaz concluded.

"Indeed, that seems likely," Jannat replied.

"What's our plan then?" Tanisha inquired.

"Let's go downstairs and talk to Mishel's mom," Jannat suggested.

They made their way downstairs to meet Sebastian.

"Uncle, is Susan Aunt awake?" Hoorain asked.

"Yes, but she's completely shattered, kids. She hasn't even taken a sip of water since that incident," Uncle Sebastian said weakly.

"Uncle, should we bring something from home for both of you?" Tanisha offered.

"No, dear. Everything we need is in the kitchen. My sister brought it; she just left," Sebastian explained.

Tanisha fetched two glasses of milk and a plate of rice from the kitchen and they entered Susan's room.

Susan seemed lost in her thoughts, struggling to accept the loss of her daughter.

Hoorain sat beside her and gently took her hand.

"Auntie, you look weak. Come, let's have some food. We'll feed you," Hoorain said, offering her the plate.

"My Mishel...Mishel...she's gone. Tell her to come back to me, tell her not to leave her parents alone," Susan sobbed.

Jannat embraced her from the side and patted her back.

"Auntie, please don't cry. We understand that it's hard to accept, but you must. Mishel will always be alive in your heart," Tanisha comforted her, pointing to Susan's chest.

"I miss her...I miss her so much. She was our precious gem, Seb's and mine. We've lost our gem," Susan lamented.

Hoorain wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks.

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