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"Who made my beautiful sky moody?" Zeeshan who was just back from his office, asked his daughter who was now sitting cross legged on the sofa on the hall.

"Baba" Aleyna immediately stood up and ran to him, locking her chubby hands around his neck to which he patted the back of her head.

" Baba, you won't believe it! My physics teacher actually had the audacity to call me captain confusion in class today."Aleyna said wearing an exaggerated pout on her face, which for a moment made a concerned expression on his face but within seconds turned into a horrified one.

"Can you believe that? I mean, I'm not just dumb; I'm apparently dumb with a fancy title now!" She rolled her eyes dramatically, hoping her dad would join in on the humor of the situation.

"You have literally inherited your mother in every way my heart" Zeeshan let out a chuckle while Aleyna gigled at him, her brown hair fell loose waves down her shoulder.

No matter how much she was similar to her mother's behaviour, but she was literally a female version of Zeeshan. She had got his hazel eyes, but with an almond shape, his fair skin but hers was adorned with a few freckles around her nose and finally with a height not even a match to Zeeshan as she was a tiny human. But she was Zeeshan in every way, it sounds confusing but it is what it is.

" Zeesh even though everything about her nature is me, she inherited this label from you"Jannat who came out from their bedroom said with a chuckle.

" I have many other labels too my love" Zeeshan winked at Jannat who winked back at him with equal playfulness.

Aleyna couldn't help but roll her eyes at her parents' playful exchange. With a mischievous grin, she chimed in, " You two are making me feel like watching a romantic real life comedy, I am just waiting for the director to shout, 'Cut! that's a wrap on Zeeshan's and Jannat's love story!" She mimicked exactly like a director standing in front of them, with her one arm forward.

Her parents burst into laughter again, and Jannat playfully replied, "Well, if they do,Leyna, you'll have to play the leading role in our sequel."

As Aleyna playfully teased her parents about the romantic sequel, the front door swung open, and Zayn, their 20-year-old son with a knack for mischief, returned from university. Catching the tail end of their conversation, he couldn't resist but join in, saying with a mischievous grin, "Hold on a second! If we're talking sequels, let it be mine. Because if it's Leyna's sequel, the female lead will be eligible for retirement before she finds a guy!"

Laughter erupted in the room as Zayn's teasing hit the mark. Zeeshan chuckled and replied, "Zayn,you might be onto something there. We wouldn't want to make a romantic comedy into a documentary!"

As Zayn teased Aleyna about her romantic prospects, Aleyna pretended to huff dramatically, putting her hand to her heart in mock offense. She with a wink and a playful tone, chimed in, "Oh, Zayn,you're just jealous because you can't find someone as amazing as me".

Zeeshan, trying not to laugh, added, "Zayn, you better watch out. My Leyna might just set the bar too high for everyone else."

Zayn,now grinning, raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, alright, I give up! Leyna, when you do find someone, just make sure" He stopped mid-way, a cunning smile visible on his face.

" Make sure what?" Aleyna asked with her both arms crossed on her chest, challenging him to utter the next word.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Zayn teased, "Make sure he can live with you and all your... weird habits!"

Aleyna gasped in mock offense and immediately grabbed a nearby pillow. Without a second thought, she chased after Zayn up the staircase, determined to give her brother a playful pillow beating.

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