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~ Always leave loved ones with loving words,it maybe the last time you see them~

Her breathe hitched seeing the scene in front of her. Durrah closed her eyes wishing that its a nightmare. She squeezed Hoorain's hand tightly, and opened her eyes.

It wasn't a nightmare, it was real, a reality that made her heart tore into pieces.
She opened the door and ran forward.

Everyone were surrounded, the people from the nearby houses came running while some tried calling the ambulance.

The car drove by Anwaar was hit by a truck, which didnot stop after hitting.
People were trying to pull out them from the car as the car was upside down.

They somehow pulled Anwaar out, there was blood oozing out of his forehead and his hands were injured.
He didnot pay attention to his wounds, he punched the glass in front and saw his beloved Dunya and his baby Zain, all bathed in blood.

Anwaar gaining all his strength pulled them ignoring the pieces of glass piercing into his wounds. Akheem took Zain from his hands and ran towards the ambulance while Roshan and the others pulled out Faiza from the back seat.

Everything was done in a lightning speed. The ambulance reached the hospital and took them inside the operation theatre.

Rayyan and his family was there in the hospital, as they were in back of their car when the accident took over.

Anwaar sat down near the operation theatre door, with his both hands covering his face. His heart was aching, he was afraid of the coming minutes, he was afraid of losing his soulmate. He had blood all over his white kurta, the blood of his beloved and his baby prince.

Durrah wan't crying, she wasn't breathing. She wished all this to be a lie. She wasn't hearing anything, she was staring, staring at the O.T, wishing that the doctor would give them a good news.

Hoorain was beside Durrah, she couldn't believe, she couldn't digest what happened. Her eyes travelled to Anwaar's figure, seeing his situation her heart clenched.

Suddenly her phone beeped, showing a message from an unknown number. She opened the message, her eyes became blurry and welled up with tears, seeing the message.

Unknown: This is just a begining, next will be your dad in his position.

She switched the phone off, and leaned back while tears were flowing from her eyes. She knew, she knew it was Malik, who did this to her family. She could see all her family in despair, her lolly looked very pale while her lips were trembling. He was indeed burning their family.

A hour passed, but none of the doctor nor the nurses came out of the O.T. . Zeeshan looked at Durrah whose eyes were all red, and he saw the sixteen year old him, in her.

The happiest family, was now in the hospital in Riyadh, all broken and was praying for them who were in the hospital beds battling for their lives.

Faiza's in-laws came along with the groom, his face were clouded with fear, fear of losing his girl, whom he loved more than his life. Their dreams after their marraige, everything was falling apart. He could see her smiling face in front him, calling his name, hearing his name from her lips was like a sweet lullaby for him. She was the girl, who would even give her life, if someone asks her.

Maryam, Durrah's grandmother was sitting defeated, her thoughts filled with her husbands words.
" Maryam, even if I die make sure our family remains happy always".

Now, there is no happiness in the family, everywhere there is sorrow. A bad vibe started forming in her heart minute by minute.

Suddenly, the door of the operation theatre opened and the doctor came out while Anwaar got up looking the doctor in a very high hope.

The doctor was their family friend and also their family doctor. He knew the family well and he always admired how happy their family was.

" Doctor, tell and my son. They are okay, isn't it? They are perfectly okay, isn't it? Tell me tell me doctor. Why are you silent. Tell me they are okay. My daughter, how is she? Are they." Anwaar shaked the doctor's shoulders.

The doctor removed his mask and looked down because he didnot had the strenght to look at Anwaar's bloodshot eyes.

Anwaar looked front, and saw two trolley beds pushed by two nurses coming out. The nurses stopped in front of Anwaar and the other family members. They pulled out the duvet from the both, revealing lifeless body of Anwaar's wife Dunya and his son Zain.

Durrah stood up and looked at the lifeless body of her mother and brother.
She screamed, screamed and cried all the tears she was holding for long.

She shaked her brother Daniyal, who was standing glued to his place looking at them.

" Mommy, mommy wakeup, mommy please wakeup. Wakeup, I know you are acting, mommy I am scared please wakeup" Durrah cried holding her mothers face.

Anwaar looked at his wife's face, which was once the brightest, now had bruises all over.

" Dunya...Dunya...wakeup. Our daughter...she getting married in a week. Wakeup Dunya, wakeup. Please don't go leaving me alone. Dunya, see I know you don't like me crying, wakeup Dunya, DUNYAAAAA" Anwaar screamed and hugged both his wife's and son's body.

Everyone in the hospital was watching the heartbreaking scene taking place in front of them. None watched it without having tears in the eyes.

Zeeshan's eyed welled up with tears, as he knew how it was to lose the most important people in your life. He knew how hard it is to live without them.

Everyone pulled Anwaar and Durrah away, the nurses pushed the trolley bed with tears flowing from their eyes, while Anwaar fell into his mothers arms, weeping like a kid. Durrah screamed and covered her face with her both hands.

Nobody was able to comfort them, because comfortness will never bring their loved ones back. This day, a daughter and son lost her mother and brother, while a husband lost his life.

" Who is Hoorain?" Suddenly the doctor came running out of the O.T.

Hoorain wiped her tears and went towards the doctor.

" Please come inside, the patient Faiza is asking for you. I don't think she can make it, so please come and hear what she has to say to you" He said while Hoorain pressed her both lips and swallowed the lump formed in her throat.

She kept the steps one by one, while her heart was breaking at the thought of losing her sister too. She reached near the bed in which Faiza was. She had many wires surrounded around her.

Faiza smiled weakly when she saw Hoorain and she motioned her to go near her. Hoorain went towards her and sat in a chair front of the bed.

" I am going to die, isn't it" Faiza asked in a low voice.

Hoorain kept her hand on her mouth and shaked her head while tears were flowing over her cheeks.

" I, I am lucky Hoor, I got a loving family, what else I need to be happy? I am happy Hoor, I am very happy. Maybe this is my fate" Faiza wiped Hoorain's tears.

Suddenly Faiza started breathing heavily, making Hoorain panic. Hoorain was about to go and call the doctor but Faiza held her hand.

" me," Faiza said between the breathe's.

Hoorain looked at her through her tears and pressed her both lips to stop from crying out loud.

"" With that Faiza breathe her last breath.

Salam my people❤

God, I was getting emotional while writing this chapter, sadly 'every soul shall once taste death'.

Okay, now How was this chapter for ya all? Tell me your views and don't forget to vote❤

In shaa allah, the next chapter will be uploaded on saturday and sunday❤

Take care and have a wonderful time beautiful's❤

Love ya all💋❤

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