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~ Sometimes you have no shoulder to cry on. But never forget that you always have a ground to put your head and shed your tears on ~

 But never forget that you always have a ground to put your head and shed your tears on ~

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Fear, the only feeling inside her heart which was burning like a fire, like some wooden sticks  thrown into it making it burn more.

Fear of someone dear, the someone who she did not recognize was so much important to her, that the mere thought of him leaving made her breathe to tangle inside not allowing her to blew it out or take it in.

She was sitting on the white bench, in the middle of the garden surrounded by a number of different colors of fresh flowers which had the tiny water droplet still as she had just watered it a few minutes ago.

Her long wavy hair was tied in a pony tail, with her white flowery embroidered duppata was placed on her shoulder and the end was leaning down to the ground.

Yesterday's incident were playing like a slow song in her mind, while she let out a sigh staring at the greenery around her, which wasn't dull like her mind, instead it was so bright.

She was so dumbfounded after hearing Rayyan and couldn't even tell him anything as all her words had died in her throat and the look in his eyes made her feel guilty even though she hadn't done it intentionally.

He had gone without sparing a single glance to her and haven't come back to the house even at night, making her sleep long gone to the Jupiter.

Today night was Rayyan leaving according to what Zeeshan had told and Hoorain's mind wasn't functioning and not a single idea does she has to stop him.

She was more than ready to apologize to him as it was her mistake, because of that he is leaving.

She rubbed her forehead slightly with her index finger as all the matters have been now occupied in her mind leaving no space for some peace to enter.

Even the fresh breeze of the garden couldn't bring her a peace of mind, as whatever she does she could see only those pair of blue eyes which was twinkling, but with hurt.

" Bhabi " Hoorain was awakened from her thoughts when she heard Affan's voice.

She turned her head right to see Affan who was sitting beside her with a very dull expression on his face.

" What happened Affan? " Hoorain asked while wrapping the silky duppata on her head.

" She doesn't love me bhabi " Affan said while moving the small strands of his smooth hair from his forehead.

Affan was a very calm guy, who doesn't even like to interfere in a fight or serious issues. He was always a funny going guy, who loves only to crack jokes and be happy. He was entirely opposite from Rayyan, as he wasn't short-tempered as him. And now, the happy guy was looking dull and Hoorain knew something was off with him same like her.

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