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~ How you make others feel about themselves, says a lot about you ~

" Sarah Haroon Sheikh is no more in this world " Roshan's words created a great impact on the other's mind, making an infinity number of doubts to tangle inside their mind.

Roshan turned to Rayyan, who was glued to his position with his face showing different kinds of emotion.  He shoved his hand into his pocket, while taking out a folded paper, which looked like a piece cut out from a newspaper. He forwarded it, while Daniyal took it from his hand.

Daniyal unfolded the paper while Rayyan and Zeeshan looked at him keenly as his expression changed within a blink of an eye making them both scrunch their eyebrows. Daniyal looked at the paper and then to Roshan, who sighed and nodded at him, as if understanding his confusion.

Rayyan grabbed the paper from Daniyal's hand, and the moment his eyes fell on the picture, he was taken aback as he felt it was a dream. Nobody can blame him though, as seeing the exact face of his wife but with a different name on the newspaper made his senses to tangle up.

" I am going to throw up right now, so Roshan please care to explain "Daniyal fell back on the couch while Roshan sat on the opposite couch.

" The girl here in this picture is Sarah, daughter of the most richest businessman of Singapore, Haroon Sheikh. And this news of her missing is of four years back, or maybe four and half years. And from the past histories, it was said she was found dead but nobody knows what really happened to her." Roshan said while clasping his both hands together and rested his elbows on his knees.

" But what I doesnt know is, why Haroon covered the news of the death of his own daughter." Roshan blew out his breathe, while his eyes travelled to Rayyan who was standing facing towards the wall, his arms holding the wooden shelf tightly, making his veins to be visible out of his skin.

Rayyan's blood was boling with utmost anger, as the single thought of Haroon Sheikh hiding his wife away from him, and making his life more than hell made him go insane. And, to the all above he never knew this man before for him to take his wife away from him.

Without giving a single glance to anyone, he stormed towards the front door but Zeeshan sensed the warning sign from his expression, he stood in front of the door, not allowing Rayyan to go out.

" Zeesh, dont stop me. I want to kill that son of a " Rayyan blew out his breathe harshly, while rubbing his forhead.

" And, what will you do after killing him? Do you think Hoor will come with you? To her they are her family now Ayynu, and to her this man is her freaking father." Zeeshan said aloud while Rayyan took a step back, when the reality drown in him.

" Oh yes, she..she doesn't remember me. I...I am no one to her, isnt it? I forgot it, I completely forgot it." Rayyan was continously saying the same words, making Zeeshan to look him with pain.

Rayyan went towards the couch and laid back while closing his eyes, with his palm covering his both eyes. In his twenty seven years of his lifetime, never had he this helpless.

" Ayynu, Haroon is a cunning fox. So, we have to be well-planned. And, I have an idea to make him go insane" Zeeshan said while sitting beside Rayyan.

Rayyan removed his palms from his eyes, and looked at Zeeshan who had  a smirk playing on his lips. Zeeshan narrated his plan to them, while after hearing the plan, a genuine smile creot upon Rayyan's lips.

" Let's tear the fake mask of Haroon Sheikh before it's too late " Roshan said while patting Rayyan's shoulders.

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