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~ Why create a Haram love story when a Halal love story has been already written for you by allah SWT ~

~ Why create a Haram love story when a Halal love story has been already written for you by allah SWT ~

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( Do read the previous chapter of you havent yet)

" Don't you want the key to your heart, esgham?" Rayyan whispered in her ears, while Hoorain stared at him dumbfounded.

She felt like the whole air inside her is sucked out. What was she hearing? Was it a dream or reality?

Her mind got tangled with infinity number of questions, while she herself doesn't knew how to clean the trash caused in her mind.

She looked at Rayyan, who came towards her, his blue eyes only showed pure love, the love which he hid from her for years.

Rayyan could clearly see the shocked expression on Hoorain's face and he wasn't a bit surprised at it as he already knew this was coming.

He bought his hand to his neck, while Hoorain stared at him in confusion. He pulled the shining silver chain out of his sherwani.

Every past incidents hit her hard, the silver chain which she had once enquired Rayyan about and she clearly remember how he had ignored her question.

Rayyan looked down at the key which was hanging on the silver chain and then to Hoorain who had a look to kill him at the instant.

It was the key to her heart.

Rayyan took the key from the chain and winked at Hoorain but She was so lost in his doings . He raised his hands towards her neck, and grabbed the ruby heart locket hanging on her neck.

Hoorain's eyes widened in shock, to see the same necklace which she got on her birthday from him, was in her neck now shining more brightly.

Her wedding day had brought her a infinity bunch of shocks.

The first thing Durrah packed in Hoorain's bridal suitcase was the necklace, as Rayyan had already told her to do so. And she is the one who wore it in Hoorain's neck while Hoorain was busy in her makeup.

Rayyan twisted the key inside the heart shaped ruby locket, which was very huge in size revealing a perfect pink diamond sparkling like a fire and it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Rayyan looked at the ring and then at Hoorain, who was still stuck in her shocked expression.

He bent down on his knees on the red carpet, and took Hoorain's left hand in his hand, while the ring was in his other hand.

" I am not very good at cliche dialogue, but I should clear your doubts, isn't it? " Rayyan said staring into her green eyes, which was twinkling with confusion.

Rayyan inhaled a deep breathe and blew it out, his heart was beating like a wild animal trying to jump out as he was going to confess his love to his Hoorain.

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