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~The best feeling ever is realizing you aren't sad anymore over something you were sure you would never get over ~

"Is it he by any chance? Or is he someone similar to Malik" Hoorain was shocked to see the guy similar to Malik leaning to the cashier counter.

The guy paid the money and went out of the supermarket, carrying plastic bags in his both hands and a key hanging in his index finger.

Hoorain left her shopping cart and ran forward to the entrance, but to her bad luck the guy was disappeared into the crowd.

" Ma'am, is something wrong?" Hoorain turned when the lady in the cashier counter kept a hand on her shoulder.

" Does the man who left just now comes here often? " Hoorain asked the lady who stood silent for a minute before responding.

" No Ma'am, I don't remember him coming here before this. I guess this is the first time I am seeing him" The lady replied while Hoorain nodded her head.

Hoorain went back to the bakery section and dragged the shopping cart to the right. She was moving forward but her mind was still occupied by the guy who looked like Malik or Malik himself.

She did not see Jannat who was coming in the same direction towards her. Their shopping carts collapsed with each other awakening Hoorain from her thoughts.

" Hoor, you okay?" Jannat enquired seeing a worried expression on Hoorain's face.

" Jaan, I guess I saw Malik here" Hoorain sighed.

" Malik? You might have mistaken Hoor. How come Malik come here? " Jannat said.

" I don't know Jaan. But to be honest I am scared, I am scared what if he harm my loved ones again. I can't Jaan, I can't tolerate if something happens again." Hoorain's voice cracked at the end when those painful memories of the accident came to her mind.

" Hoor, believe me it might be someone who looked similar to him. Now don't let unwanted thoughts to wander inside this intelligent brain" Jannat giggled tapping Hoorain's head.

" Oh my god! My stomach is literally crying. Poor it, I did not feed it. Come let's go and treat our stomach with Tanu's delicious food" Jannat squealed dragging Hoorain's arms in one hand and the shopping cart in the other hand.

But was it Malik or someone who looked similar to him? Will Malik be a monster in Rayyan's and Hoorain's life?

Future had a different plan for them.

It was a bright sunny morning in Singapore, the sun rays falling on the leaves planted on each corner in a beautiful way in the Singapore university.

The surroundings of the university, shows the beautiful greenery as there was many trees and plants on each corners from the entrance gate to the university building.

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