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~ Goodbyes hurt when the story is not finished and the book has been closed ~

~ Goodbyes hurt when the story is not finished and the book has been closed ~

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~ After two years ~

There is always a particular phase in the life of people, where our life gets conquered completely by bitterness, making every single sight around us give an emotion of unhappiness to flow throughout our body, heck even the breathe we take in feels as a burden at one point of life.

To some people, there isn't any reason for depression as without any proper reasons their heart clenches. But, to others there is some heartbreaking moments or regret of not able to save someone, a someone who slipped from their palm and before they could hold it, it was shattered, shattered into pieces. And those pieces, were something that never leave a single chance to pierce into the already broken heart.

A normal day in Dubai, as usual the streets were occupied by the crowds and the sky conquered by the bright sun but there wasn't the presence of the calm breeze, that calm breeze which used to calm the heart and mind of those, who actually needed it.

Maybe he was feeling this way, as how can the breeze calm him, if his heart is burning like a volcano.

Leaning back on the revolving black chair, with his eyes squeezed shut but he wasn't resting as the creases on his forehead says it. His face, the place where every single feature was perfect now it lacked something, the sparkles of happiness, the glow of brightness.

Opening his eyes slowly, his eyes wandered to the calendar lying on the table, where there were so many files lying untouched.

August 9th.

Unknowingly, his betrayer reached his eyes at the perfect time, as the corners of his ocean blue eyes became moistened but before it could spill out, he wiped it away using the side of his index finger.

It was the day, the day which was the best day of his life. This day was meant to be treasured but only if he could, only if he could go back in time.

Grabbing the keys of his car from the table, he moved towards the door, twisting the knob he went outside of his office, gaining the attention of the employees seated on their respectable position.

He walked forward without sparing a single glance to his employees who was greeting him, as he used to do in the past. But his legs stopped in the middle, like someone held him it from underneath.

" I wish, how would Rayyan sir look when he smiles " A girl said dreamily while adjusting her scarf.

" I have heard from the other employees that he wasnt like this before a year or two. But who can breathe in peace after knowing his wife is bur" Before she could complete her sentence, the half opened door of the rest room completely opened with a furious Rayyan standing outside.

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