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~ Life is short, there is no time to leave important words unsaid ~

~ Life is short, there is no time to leave important words unsaid ~

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The two mens were left alone in the hall, while Raziya was in the kitchen preparing dinner for tonight as it was the first time Rayyan was visiting their home along with Hoorain.

On the other side, Niha was in her room standing on a stool while she was busy searching for her box, in which she had kept all her valuable drawings and paintings. She was so excited like a small kid who is in the candy store, to show everything to Hoorain.

Rayyan was attentively listening to Hammad, who was explaining him about their upcoming project to which Rayyan had to come to Singapore urgently as it was a jackpot for their company which never loses any projects.

Hammad was Sufyan's PA, whom he considered not as an employee but as his good friend. And now he was under Rayyan, guiding him about the importance of the project as he was slowly studying about the bussiness.

" RAYYAN " A loud scream hit Rayyan's ears making his once moving lips to stiffen.

The glass of juice from Raziya's hands fell on the floor while the small box from Niha's hands were on the floor making all the things inside it to shatter on the floor.

Realizing the scream was coming from the direction of the backyard, made Rayyan to run towards the door to the backyard while the other three of then followed him with a worried face.

The moment Rayyan stepped out to the backyard, the fragile shivering body of his wife hugged him while dipping her face directly into his chest where his heartbeat was beating crazily like it is having a hard time.

Rayyan's worried face turned more worried seeing Hoorain sobbing hardly while clenching the back of his shirt tightly into a fist. He placed his one hand on the back of her head while slowly caressing it as he himself didnot know what exactly happend to her.

" Esgham, you are scaring me " Rayyan said while trying to make her face him but she was a real sobbing mess.

Hoorain breathed heavily while slowly stepping back with her puffy eyes and  her nose were red as tomato, but it was for a very short span of time as she again cling to Rayyan pointing her index finger to one of the side.

The four of their head's turn towards the direction where Hoorian pointed and an instant relief flowed inside their body seeing the poor creature out there looking widely with it's two green eyes same as Hoorain's, indicating it was so  scared of the happenings.

The fat furry brown cat ran towards Nija, who took it in her arms while slowly caressing its head making the cat to snuggle into her chest.

" Hoor, it's just a cat " Rayyan tried to calm down his wife, as she was shivering so badly because of a poor creature.

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