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~ A simple truth? We will never have today again ~

~ A simple truth? We will never have today again ~

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" Hoorain" His eyes glued to the girl standing near to the doorstep staring at him with a her confused face.

She was standing in front of him, the girl for whom he had cried his heart out, for whom his eyes searched everywhere and the girl whom he thought he had lost forever.

She was still the same, the same old Hoorain who had a glowing face, a glow which always brightens up his day with a single glance at her beuatiful face.

But there was something different in her, even if every single thing about her was same. Her aura, she had got an aura that demonstrated authority. An expression on her face, that showed she was capable of many thing, she has captured more.

Rayyan took his steps towards her, with his eyes never leaving her face. His heart got the peace that he was craving for the last two years. Reaching near to her, he didnot think twice. Wrapping his arm around her, he bought her close to him making her forehead to touch his chest and his hold on her tightened.

The others watching the scene in front of them, was shocked to the peak while the man in his fifties had the whole color drained out of his wrinkled face, he had an expression which perfectly showed he was, scared.

While Rayyan had his arms around her, her both hands were down without even hugging him back like the old Hoorain used to. Her mind was blank, as she didnot knew what was happening nor does she know what was she feeling because a drop of tear from her eyes fell on his shirt.

When reality hit her, she pushed Rayyan away from her with her both palms making him take a step back from her. She was still standing glued to her place staring at his face with her eyes, which was moistening and the sad fact was, she didnot knew the reason.

" I am sorry, I dont know what has gotten to me " She rubbed the side of her forehead with her fingers, as if she was remembering something, as something was trying to play in her mind but her mind was like a book in which the words of the important chapters were faded away.

Her expression again changed, when she realized what just happened a few seconds ago. She touched her cheeks with her fingers and finding it wet, she sighed as the tears which wet her cheeks were without her permission.

" Who the hell are you? And why the heck did you hug me? And here I am apologizing to you when you are the one who should " Her voice now held anger and her words made Rayyan feel like the whole skin of his body has peeled off.

He stared directly into her eyes, while her eyes were glued to his. His deep ocean eyes clashed with her forest green eyes but his was with pain and her with anger.

" Hoor " Rayyan's voice held the pain, that her words filled his heart.

" Mr.Rayyan, I guess you are mistaken" The man in fifties came near to Rayyan who had his eyes still on her, who was now looking at somewhere.

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