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"Apart from marrying a good person, always pray to get married into an understanding family"

(A/N: Haider Ruqbaan residence above.
I've changed Hoorain's pops name)

The Ruqbaan residence was filled with happiness and excitment, the ladies were all busy making the sweets for the engagement. Its a tradition of Ruqbaan family to make different kinds of sweets for functions.

Everyone was excited for the engagement of the elder granddaughter of Haider Ruqbaan.

The morning was very pleasant and it was very bright in Riyadh just like the happiness of family in the residence.

When everyone was busy in the preparation of sweets and other rituals, there was this three people cuddled in the bed not aware of the big day of their sister, sleeping peacefully.

Mahrosh, Roshan's younger sister came out of the bathroom rubbing her hair with the towel. She looked front and kept her hands on her hips seeing her cousin sisters and sisters sleeping position.

Hoorain and Ghazala, Mahrosh's younger sister was sleeping hugging each other while in the midddle there was Durrah sleeping upside down.

Mahrosh turned right and took the jug of water kept in the small white table and poured it into the girls.

" Aaaaaaaaaaah shit shit!Who the hell did this? MUMMA I am gonna cry now, I was about to see my prince charming. Now how am I am gonna see him again" Hoorain screamed rubbing her drowsy eyes and wiped the water from her face with her palm.

Ghazala looked front yawning, the water treatment from Mahrosh didnot make a difference for her.

" Can you both princesses please get ready? Everyone are waiting for us downstairs" Mahrosh threw the towel which Ghazala catched and ran to the bathroom.

Hoorain scratched her neck and turned left to see Durrah snoring.

" Astagfirullah! Even if a bomb blast, this lazybug will not get up" Hoorain kicked Durrah on her butt causing Durrah to fall down.

Durrah winced and got up rubbing her butt and looked at both the sisters with half-opened eyes.

" Woah! Mahrosh dhee had a bath this early morning? Something might be special today" Durrah yawned while Hoorain and Mahrosh looked at her with wide eyes.

" Ya allah! You are unbelievable! You are the world's first human who forgot her sister's engagement" Hoorain kept a hand on her chin while Durrah bit her tongue.

Mahrosh dragged Durrah and pushed her out of the room, and closed the door. She came back and dryed her hair standing in front of the mirror.

Mahrosh was twenty year old, who is a student of architecture. She is very friendly and kind-hearted, at the same time a responsible girl when it comes to serious situations.

Hoorain was sitting in the bed with her both hands on her cheeks, and she was looking at Mahrosh whose face which was always bright with happiness was not same at the present.

Mahrosh looked at Hoorain who was staring at her, through the mirror. She raised her eyebrow at her. Hoorain got up from the bed and hugged her from the back.

" Dhee, its been two whole years. Do you still miss her?" Hoorain asked while Mahrosh removed Hoorain's hands from her stomach.

" Two years, two years Hoorain. Will you forget Jaan if one day she leaves you without letting you know? And how will you feel when you cannot be there for your bestfriend when she needed you the most" Mahrosh asked while her eyes became glassy.

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