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In the stillness of the night, the moon cast a soft glow into the room, illuminating three friends grappling with the harsh reality that had just unfolded outside. Jannat, with a furrowed brow, tossed her duvet aside, breaking the silence.

"Bro, what's happening?" she questioned, her eyes wide with concern.

Without a word, Hoorain rose from her bed, beckoning the others to follow her to the balcony. As they stepped out, a hushed crowd had formed below, the air heavy with the weight of shared grief.

"Girls, something must have happened. Let's go down!" Tanisha exclaimed, hastily tying her hair into a messy bun, a sense of urgency in her movements.

The descent down the stairs brought them face to face with the somber expressions of Habeeba and Hussaina aunty. Unspoken worry etched lines on their faces as they waited for Abba to return.

"Aalif, what happened?" Habeeba inquired as he entered, a heavy sigh escaping him.

"Habee, it's Sebastian's daughter. She's no more. She committed suicide. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajihoon," Aalif whispered, the weight of the words lingering in the air.

The girls stood frozen, grappling with the harsh reality painted by Aalif's words.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajihoon. Ya Allah. Hoor, Tanu, don't you know Mishel?" Habeeba asked, her eyes reflecting the depth of the tragedy.

"Yeah, aunty, she lives near our home. But in school, we were in different classes, so we weren't that close," Tanisha replied, her voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and regret.

"Mumma, why did she end her life? She was a very innocent girl, always lost in her own world. I tried to talk to her, but all she ever responded with was a smile," Hoorain shared, a heavy sadness settling in her heart.

Aalif confirmed the harsh truth, "Yes, beta, it is. They found a suicide letter in Mishel's room. Depression was the reason she took her own life."

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajihoon. May Allah give Sebastian and Susan the strength to accept the truth," Habeeba prayed, her words echoing the collective sorrow.

As they retreated to their room, the weight of the night settled in. Hoorain, Tanisha, and Jannat sat together, grappling with the incomprehensible loss.

"Tanu, I still can't believe that Mishel has taken her own life. At this age, what kind of depression could she have been facing?" Hoorain pondered, her voice soft with sorrow as they sat cross-legged on the bed.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But, Hoor, we can't really say. Alhamdulillah, we're blessed with the best, but that's not the case for everyone. Maybe Mishel was going through a lot," Tanisha replied, removing her scarf, a somber acknowledgment of the fragility of life.

"Ya Allah! May her soul rest in peace," Hoorain whispered, her gaze fixed on Jannat, who seemed lost in thought.

Gently shaking Jannat, Hoorain brought her back to the shared moment of grief.

"What's on your mind, Jaan? You seem lost," Tanisha inquired, her eyes reflecting the shared pain.

Jannat, with a determined glint in her eyes, broke the somber silence, "Girls, consider this: Depression was the reason behind Mishel's suicide."

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