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~ Don't wipe the tears, instead wipe the people who created them ~

~ Don't wipe the tears, instead wipe the people who created them ~

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The moments spent with loved ones gives a kind of vibe, which one always wish that never ends. Some days gives so infinity much of memories that one wish if the day would crawl as slow as a
tortoise but reality and expectations are always opposite to each other as if they are rivals.

The time instead of crawling, ran as fast as a cheetah, as if something was on the end point, waiting for too long for them.

Standing on the airport, the only sight all around the runway was water. Looking back, the beautiful yet heartwarming sight of the heaven on earth, a small smile crept to each of their's lips, a pure yet real smile. And each of them had their own lovely reasons which made them to never forget this place, Maldives.

Maldives, has been the place which made Rayyan and Hoorain to get along with each other, a little more giving the couples a strong grip to their blessed relationship.

On the other hand, this place blessed Tanisha and Shahid with the blessings which was on the top of everything, a small life living inside her.

To Zeeshan, happiness was tied to him by a man, who was the father of his happiness. Yes, his Jannat was becoming the reason for even a small smile on his face.

" Rayyan, I dont want to to go from here." Hoorain had her one hand holding Rayyan's arm and other was holding the handle of her trolley bag.

" In shaa Allah, someday we will come here and I hope that someday you will love me like I do. That someday I hope you would confess your love to me. I am waiting for that day, to hear those magical words from you as those are the words I am yearning to hear " Rayyan's words made Hoorain to look at him, while he passed a small smile while caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

" These two doesn't even care about the surrounding" Zeeshan's voice made them break their eye contact.

Hoorain could exactly identify the small inch of hurt lingering in his voice even if he managed to vanish it by his smile but as he said, she wanted those magical words to be said on a magical moment, a moment which will be magical to both of them, a moment which she didnot want to pretend.

" We will miss you Hoor " Jannat and Tanisha hugged her from both the sides, while their voice cracked a bit.

" You guys are acting like I am not gonna come back " Hoorain chuckled looking at her friends but soon zipped her mouth while she earned a glare from both of them.

" Dont you ever say those kind of words. Come back safely and also with mini Rayyan and Hoorain " Tanisha whispered the last part in her ears.

" In shaa Allah " Hoorain said bluntly making the other two widen their eyes in shock at her bluntness.

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