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~ There are friendship imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and distance ~

~ There are friendship imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and distance ~

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Gazing at the bright moonlight, which lighten up the whole world at the darkest hour of the night is a soothing moment. And if it is with the one whom we love, then the feeling is more than the word soothing.

The two couples were sitting on the soft sand facing the calm and silent sea, with the breeze swaying from the sea to all over the calm environment.The night breeze is something that  definitely makes a kind of warmth to form, but the breeze that arises from the sea gives a different warmth.

Zeeshan was staring directly into the sea, in which the reflection of the smiling moon could be seen with the  stars twinkling on the sky as it is so happy to be near the beautiful moon.

Jannat had her head placed on Zeeshan's left broad shoulder with her both arms wrapped around his stomach  while he had his broadarms wrapped around her slim shoulder.

Both of them were so lost in each others embrace, which gave warmth to their soul.

" Are you really happy Zeesh, I mean..after seeing Ayesha" Jannat asked while her sound vibrated near to his chest.

Zeeshan suddenly removed his arms from her while Jannat looked at him with a nervous smile to which he gave a smack to her forehead.

" What did you think, I will leave you and go in back of my past? Such a dumb girl you are " Zeeshan shook his head while Jannat rubbed her forehead with a smile.

" I am so happy Jaan, she is my past, and I am agreeing to the fact that I loved her,  but that doesnt mean even after breaking my heart, I will follow her like a love struck puppy. I have got you Jaan, and I am so happy.  Because you are the one who mended my broken heart. And in shaa Allah, you will be the only one forever" Zeeshan made the loose strands of her hair away, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Jannat smiled at him, while their eyes clashed with each other.  Zeeshan cupped her pinkish cheeks in his both palms, while he kissed her both cheeks softly making her close her eyes.

He caressed her lower thin lips which had a shade of a mixture of both red and pink using his thumb. He slowly leaned forward while he  bought her a bit closer to himself by grabbing her waist. His breathe fanned on her face while the smell of his hair and cologne hit her. She could feel his lips a mere inch away from her, while her heart couldnt handle the closeness they were having as it was close to blast out of her body.

Zeeshan was about to place his lips on hers, but a loud sound made them jump back.

" My god, is this for real? Even in this place  no one is allowing me to spent a little time with my wife " Zeeshan said making Jannat giggle like a teenager.

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