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~ The tans will fade but the memories lasts forever~

"What's this dumbass doing here?" Hoorain wondered looking at Rayyan who was sitting beside her.

" What are you doing here?" Hoorain wiggled her eyebrows.

" Dancing, want to join?" Rayyan said while Hoorain gave him a death glare.

" Should I laugh at your lame joke" Hoorain asked rolling her eyes and turned her face away from him murmuring ,'Dumbass'.

" First of all I am going to the same place you are going and secondly I am going to be your senior in Singapore university" Rayyan said with a smirk plastered on his face.

Rayyan was going to Singapore for his post- graduate along with Zeeshan and Shahid, as they had directly joined the company without completing it. And the main reason is as expected - he don't want to be far away from Hoorain and wanted to be always by her side.

Hoorain's mouth opened wide while the book on her hand fell down.

" Close your mouth, some creatures will enter if you don't " Rayyan chuckled and bent down revealing a silver chain around his neck.

The silver chain caught Hoorain's attention, but she couldn't see the locket as its half was covered by his shirt.

Rayyan leaned back and looked at Hoorain who was still staring at his neck. At first, he did not knew the reason but when he got to know what she was looking at, he immediately made his collar proper,causing the locket to hide inside his shirt.

" Why do you wear that chain? It doesn't look good when men's wear those" Hoorain scrunched her nose.

" You will know" Rayyan winked at her making her heart skip.

" How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me opening that annoying mouth" Hoorain said in a irritated tone.

Rayyan looked at her and closed his eyes, making Hoorain to form her hands into a fist and got a strong urge to hit his head.

" You know what, I feel like throwing you out of this glass" Hoorain said, her hands still in a fist.

" I am not a tiny creature like you to  pass through it " Rayyan chuckled, his eyes still closed.

Hoorain clenched her teeth and rubbed her chest making herself to stay calm or else she would have definitely smacked his head like she does to others.

To distract herself from Rayyan and his annoyance, she looked out the window revealing the beautiful night view of Dubai city, as they were flying above, the fluffy clouds hid the beautiful view below.

" Hello ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing at The Changi Airport at 12:45 A.M, please fasten your seat belts, and thank you for flying with Emirates airlines" An man's deep voice with a thick accent echoed through the plane, making Rayyan wakeup from his sleep.

Rayyan leaned back and tried to stretch his stiff arms  but he felt a light weight on his right shoulder. He turned his head slighlty to see a peacefully sleeping Hoorain with her book still in her lap.

Her thick eyelashes was resting on her flawless skin and her pink small lips was in a cute pout which made a smile to creep on his lips, as Hoorain looked exactly like a cute kid.

He patted her cheeks slowly, while she  opened her bright green eyes and looked at Rayyan, who had a mishcevious smirk playing on his lips.  Hoorain mentally slapped herself  and sat aside without sparing a glance at Rayyan who was tightening his seat belt.

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