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~ No one is you, and that is your superpower ~

~ No one is you, and that is your superpower ~

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" That bracelet on your wrist " Rayyan stared straight into her emerald green eyes, just like he was staring deep into her soul.

His words were like a heavy metal fallen on her head, as her head started hurting in every angle. She felt like pulling her hair to stop the pain, as it was becoming unbearable. And, the pain become more, when her eyes did not allow her to remove her gaze from his eyes, his eyes which held pain, longing and a small glint of happiness sparkling like a pearl on those blue deep ocean eyes.

She wanted to push him away from her, but her heart chanted something to her, but her mind couldnt progress those chants as it was like a whisper that her mind coul
dnt progress. Her fragile heart, yes her heart was too fragile that a single incident made her heart heavy, heavy as a bundle of materials kept on her heart.

Even if her mind couldnt progress, seeing the person standing in front of her, her heart couldnt hold the pain forming in it, and the screams of her heart came into vision in the form of the brimming tears in her eyes which was glued to his face.

Rayyan pulled her towards him, with his palm which was protectively wrapped around her, making her both palms to hit his chest, and she could feel his heartbeat through her palms making her go weak.

' Who is he? ' Her mind fully covered with the same question, while she was examining his face ignoring the pain forming on both her head and chest. Something was flashing inside her mind, but it was all like a blurry video of some Moments which she couldnt even identify.

" You forgot me, esgham " Rayyan gave her a sad smile, but the word 'esgham' , made her to clench her teeth and shook her head with half closed eyes as it was all becoming unbearable for her.

She was not able to take it anymore, she couldnt take it anymore. Slightly pushing him with her small warm palms, she stepped back while wiping her tears.

" I, I am sorry. I need to go home. So...sorry for the inconvenience." She ran towards the door and without turning back, went outside closing the door with a thud.

Rayyan stared at the closed door, with his both hands shoved inside the pockets of his black Jean's while he was happy but on the other hand he had a sad smile on his face at the mere thought of she forgetting him came to his mind.

Zeeshan went towards the black couch which was placed opposite to the right side of her table, and sat keeping his both palms on his cheeks. He was so confused, as he had no idea about the happenings around him.

He turned right, when Rayyan sat near to him with an emotionless face. Hard, it was very hard to trace out the feelings going on inside him as his face was now exactly similar to a blank paper.

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