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"If you don't like where you are, move buddy. You are not a tree'

(A/N: So my love's, the answer for the mini game is- A new character. I love ya all for commenting the answers mwaah.
Happy reading)

Hoorain stayed glued to the same position as she felt her legs are paralyzed. Her heart was pounding without a break.

The shadow behind the curtain was coming towards her. She could see a person with the knife in its hand which was shining under the moonlight falling through the curtain.

The person came nearer to Hoorain, revealing the face.

" OH MY ALLAH! A FREAKING DRACULA" Hoorain tried to scream but her sound remained stuck in her throat.

The person coming towards Hoorain looked like a dracula, not very tall and it had pointed ears, and long, sharp white teeth.

The nearer it reached, Hoorain could see a knife in one hand and a scarf kinda thing in other.

" Is this by any chance Hanna? Oh oh oh my god! Did you just come to kill me for ruining your sneakers? My god my god" Hoorain blabbered.

There was no response from the person but he reached near her and caught hold of her hand.

" OH MY GODESSS OF NUTELLA, PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS BLOOD SUCKING DRACULA" Hoorain screamed while hands were shivering.

The person caught hold of her both hands and twisted it to her back.

" See Mr.Dracula, If you are planning to drink my blood, for your kind information I have very very small quantity of blood in my body. See, there are two rooms next to mine,there you will get plenty of blo..." She stopped when the person kept the knife on her neck.

"One more word, I will slit your neck twice" The person said making Hoorain swallow hardly.

"So this is a MALE DRACULA"Hoorain murmured. His sound was very rough.

" Now tie this scarf on your eyes or else be ready for your death"He said keeping the scarf in her hands and the knife still in her neck.

Hoorain bit her lip and with trembling hands, tied the scarf tightly on her eyes.

The person pushed Hoorain outside her room and moved forward.

" Are you seriously going to kill me? OH MY GOD! I AM NOT EVEN MARRIED" Hoorain said with a horrified expression.

He pushed Hoorain when they reached near the staircase but held her hands before she fell. He dragged her downstairs and stopped when they reached down.

" I will untie your scarf from your eyes now. As soon as I do, you have to cut whatever I kept in front of you. If you don't I am going to cut you into pieces"He said in a dangerous voice.

" Astagfirullah! Is this guy using me to kill someone and so that he can drink their blood" Hoorain thought to herself.

The person untied Hoorains blindfold and at the instant all the light of the mansion turned on.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOORAIN" Everyone said in unison.

Hoorain looked around while her eyes widened.

Everyone were present in the hall including Jannat and Tanisha.

" SURPRISE!" The same guy with a dracula mask jumped in front of Hoorain, making her scream.

He removed his mask, while Hoorain kept a hand on her mouth seeing the person in front of her.

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