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"Whats bothering you my love?" Placing his head on her lap facing her, Shahid looked at her face which was frowned.

"Your daughter" Tanisha said sternly making Shahid hold back a chuckle because he knows its not the right time.

"What did she do this time?" Closing his eyes slowly with the comfort of her hands running through his hair, he asked.

"I don't know Shahi, she doesn't do anything. That bothers me a lot. She is just different from me, you and even the twins. I thought she would change once she is a teen but she had become more naïve and silent too. Its concerning me too much Shahi. Tanisha's worried voice broke his comfort moment reluctantly raising from her lap. He grabbed her both hands in his.

"Its how she is Tanu, its how her nature is. We cant force our daughter to be something she can never be, we can't make her want to pretend like a stranger to herself." Shahid said caressing her hands with his thumb.

"I am happy with the way she is Shahi but being a silent kid is more concerning when they doesn't know how to share their pain when they are hurting. It hurts me a lot to just imagine my little Noura to be in pain, she will never tell us Shahi. I just know, my heart clenches when I see her smile, a pained smile."Tanisha's eyes moistened while a light lump formed in her throat.

"I would never let anyone hurt her my love, I would never" Shahid held her face with both his hands while he kissed her wet cheeks.

Shahid went back to his usual comfort place, while Tanisha slowly massaged his head. Her eyes adored the man laying on her lap. The same smile still etched on his face still after these many years, her heart suddenly filled with all the warmth knowing her husband was happy. Her thumb caressed his cheeks, she could see a few strands of white hair peeking out and that made her happy too. Growing old with your love is a dreamy moment for all woman, and here she is growing old with the man she fell in love with years back.

"My woman is so in love with me" Shahid said pinching her chubby cheeks making Tanisha mockingly slap his hands away.

"Ofcourse I am. They say with age you're supposed to love your partner more. So here I am doing my part" Tanisha said while shrugging.

" Well aren't I lucky one getting extra love points as I age?" Shahid grinned, while nuzzling his face into her stomach making her ticklish.

Both of their moment paused when the two licensed troublemakers appeared out of nowhere from either side making Shahid groan and Tanisha giggle, "Is Riaz giving you any classes on how to steal my very precious moment with my wife?" Shahids fake frustrated voice made Iqra and Isra to squeeze into both of their arms.

"Sorry baba, We are experts in ruining romance. If you want you can also ruin our romance, you know"Iqra winked at him making Shahid twist her ear playfully.

"Wheres my little princess?" Shahid questioned, even though she wasn't the cheery little girl she always has a cheery personality for her dad.

"Princess is stuck in her own world baba, you know she doesn't talk much to us" Iqras voice had a hint of sadness and longing as Noura is not at all close to her sisters.

Iqra and Isra was just the same, they were the real definition of twins in personality but looked different, they were non-identical. That said both of them were a bit more brave compared to girls their age, and that made both of them go for a course that screamed danger. Forensic science was something Iqra has been interested in since she was matured enough to understand about the worldly things, while Isra always wanted to be a FBI agent and she was pursuing her degree in criminal justice.

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