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~ It's so attractive, when someone is all about you and isn't afraid to show it~

( Please do read the previous chapter if you havent yet)

~ A month later ~

There's this feeling a person experience, a feeling that is unexplainable, a feeling which makes your heart filled with the baggage of happiness. And that feeling is the one emotion we all want to protect for a long time.

Sitting on the soft sand, with a few sprinkle of sand on her delicate feet, her eyes had that sparkling of happiness which she thought she had lost forever. The sky was painted with a shade of dull pink, while the calm breeze touched her warm cheeks making a few strands of her hair to fall on her cheeks. Wiping the strand away from her face, she hugged herself while rubbing the both of her arms since it was the month of sweaters and hoodies.

" Tanu " A big wide smile adorned on her fade pink lips making the mole on above her lips stand out more attractive.

She didn't had to turn back to look who it was, because a pair of arms wrapped around her neck while his chin was now on her head. Lifting her head up, she couldn't help but blush at the loving gaze of her man.

In this world of temporary feelings, she blushing in front of him was permanent.

Shahid got up and sat next to Tanisha, who slowly leaned to his side placing her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and took her hand in his, slowly caressing it while staring into the slowly fading away sun.

Today was a day they took for themselves, for only the two of them because they have heard people saying, the strong bond of love slowly starts loosening as years passes, as they have kids and they doesn't want that to happen, they wanted to change this mindset of people, all of above they doesn't wanted to be one of those couples.

Leaving their two little bundle of happiness with Riaz and Jenna, the three couples are now all by themselves, reminiscing their teenage love.

It was a whole day date for them, and three of them went to three different places which gave them peace, which made them forget about their busy life.

" The sky look so beautiful Shahi, it's, it's so pretty" Tanisha said while holding his hand tightly.

" Tanu, wishes do come true. Even if it's not at the moment, it does comes true one day and you know what? That feeling is something that can never ever be replaced" Shahid said caressing her shoulder, while Tanisha looked at him with a smiling but confused face.

" This was one of my wish back in high-school, to come to my favourite spot in this beach and sit here in front of the deep sea and watch sunset with you along my side and never have I thought, I would be here after years sitting beside the love of my life and the mother of my two little sunshines" Shahid said kissing the crown of her forhead.

" I love you so much, so so so much Shahi. Thank you for waiting for me, thank you for not leaving my side even if I was being a heartless person to you because you are and you will be always the light to my darkness" She hugged him, while the sun slowly hid welcoming the beautiful night sky and its small bundle of shining stars.

Theirs were another love story, another story of patience, love and loyalty.

" I might be the first ever person to be this shocked on the day of my wedding" Hoorain said while watching the video of their wedding day playing on the television.

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