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~Don't let anyone rent space in your head, unless they are a good tenant~

~ After two years ~

The familiar morning breeze touched her cheeks, her eyes twinkled with happiness to be back to this place. Nothing has changed at all, everything was same.

She was back home, her sweet home after two long years of memorable days spent in Singapore.

A special ceremony was done in the family, which Hoorain had missed to attend in between this two years, that was her cousin Mahrosh's nikah.

Mahrosh's nikah was done in a very light way, inviting only the close family members, as an important person was missing from the nikah of his sister, Roshan.

Isra, Roshan's mother miss him but was not ready to accept his doings, even if he was right. Because of her self-esteeem and ego, which she is not ready to leave behind but in the sake of her so-called ego, she herself was burning in sadness.

When everything goes perfectly, something or the other goes wrong. It was the exact thing going on in Haider Ruqbaan family.

Hoorain looked at the steps, where her dad was standing with a perfect smile on his face showing his breathtakingly beautiful dimples.

His happiness had two reasons, one was his babygirl has come back after two long years and the other one was a very special one.

Hoorain ran towards her dad and wrapped her arms around his stomach, dropping her backpack down on the white marbled floor.

"I missed you so much abba" Hoorain kissed his cheeks.

" I missed you too babygirl, a lot" Aalif patted her head.

" I am always out when it comes to daughter-father relationship"Habeeba was standing there with a fake frown on her face and her arms crossed towards her chest.

Hoorain chuckled at her dramatic mother, she went towards her and wrapped her arms around her neck while giving a  sweet kiss to her chubby cheeks.

"Who will forget my beauty queen? Oh my god! Abba, mumma has become even more beautiful, isn't it?" Hoorain said as she pulled Habeeba's cheeks.

" Enough, enough! Aalif your daughter has become even more naughty" Habeeba twisted her ear playfully while Hoorain winced.

" Because she is your daughter, Jaan-e-Aalif" Aalif winked at Habeeba while wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

Aalif could still make his Habeeba blush, even after twenty five happy years of their marraige life. When it comes to them, they are still those young lovely couples in their own world.

" Ya allah now I have become an outsider. My Abba and mumma are forgetting their beautiful daughter who came after two years" Hoorain pouted while they both kissed her on her cheeks.

Hoorain giggled and entered inside her home with a bright smile, a kind of happiness covered her heart as she stepped inside her home.

Soon her expression changed into a surprised one, when she saw her whole family inside the house staring at her with a mischievous yet bright smile lingering on their faces.

On the corner, there stood Durrah who came running and gave her a bone smashing hug, while Huma hugged her from back and wrapped her arms around her neck.

" Mumma help! My not-so-good sisters are trying to kill me" Hoorain screamed while they both giggled looking at her.

" By the way why is my whole family here?" Hoorain wiggled her eyebrows, loosening her scarf and placing her backpack on the couch.

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