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Love, isn't it so confusing yet sweet? The way we fall in love with someone not for the way they look but just for that vibe they has, that one vibe just clicks out of no where and we don't have an idea how or when, but we end up being in love with them. There is no love at first sight but I think there is this 'click at first sight'?

There are people who say they would never go miles for a person even though they love them but when you love somebody whole heartedly you do go miles for them just to have them forever in your life, just to see them smiling along with you and just to not everything turns to a mere memory to look at with tearful eyes.

Feeling a sudden heart burn inside, Hoorain slowly opened her eyes to welcome her dark room but with the bright moon embracing them. She always loved to sleep with the curtains of her room opened because it so heartwarming and peaceful when you feel the moonlight lingering on your face.

But there was something that made her heart more warmer than the brightest moonlight, that was this twenty-six year old man sleeping next to her like a six year old kid. She doesn't want to ignore the fact that he was one attractive man out there and gladly he was all hers.

She was ogling on her husband's features while she felt a movement inside her 5- month belly which was slightly visible. That was the first ever movement of her little baby and the excitement made her wanted jump upto to the ceiling.

" Rayyan" She grabbed Rayyan's hands which was securely wrapped around her hip.

Hearing her high-pitched voice, Rayyan wokeup with his heart beat uneven as he expected the worse since Hoorain was having health issues since the very beginning of her pregnancy.

" Esgham, You okay? You are not hurt, are you? Hoor, come lets go to hospital, Hoo" Rayyan was cut off when Hoorain took his hand in hers and put his palm on her belly.

He was stuck, stunned, and a huge smile crept on his face like a one year old getting his first candy. He slightly pressed his palm on Hoorain's belly, he could feel the baby kick inside the stomach making his heart filled with excitement and happiness.

" I think she is just like you Hoor, she is being extra energetic inside" Rayyan smiled while he kept his ear near to her belly.

"  So you already confirmed the baby's gender? if its a girl I am getting an opponent" Hoorain fake huffed while Rayyan chuckled at his wife antics.

" Baby, once you are here lets make your mumma more jealous that she end up giving you a brother" Rayyan kissed her belly while Hoorain pinched his ears with her ears already pink.

" Rayyan" Hoorain said with a sweetest of sweetest smile, while Rayyan knew the not so good intention behind.

" No, its freaking 3 am" Rayyan closed his eyes while pulling the blanket above his head.

Even after a few seconds there was no attack from his Hoorain, he slowly removed the blanket from his face and regretted the moment as he could see her sniffling and wiping her tears tears with the hem of her t-shirt.

mood swings=main lead in pregnancy series.

" Hoor, come lets go" Rayyan said getting up from his bed and wearing the slippers which made Hoorain's  tears go back in the same way it came.

Wearing a black abhaya on top of her clothe she wrapped a black scarf and interwined her arms around Rayyan's and whispered a 'Lets go' enthusiastically, not trying to wakeup the human beings in the house as nobody would be happy to see the two of them sneaking out of the house like secret lovers.

" So, Hoor what are you craving for at this very perfect hour" Rayyan asked while starting the engine and his right hand on the gear.

" Hey, lets see what I want to eat at the moment I reach somehwere. Now, lets enjoy the drive you old man" Hoorain clapped her hands while Rayyan shook his head at his wife getting smaller with her age going up.

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