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~ You are the CEO of your life. Some people need to be hired and some need to be fired~

" your eyes please... open your eyes. I love you Hoor, please your Ayyn needs you"

Hoorain could hear everything but she wasn't able to respond. She could feel the touch of his hands. She knew this touch, she could feel this touch because she knew this is someone whom she knows well.

" Leave me, I said Leave me" She could hear him growling, she have heard this sound before but it wasn't clear.

She felt his hold on her hands loosening, but she wanted to see him, the guy who loves her. She tried to hold his hands but she could only move her fingers, as she had no strength and her body was very weak.

Rayyan turned back and looked at his hands. He knew Hoorain was trying to hold his hand.

" Hoorain, she is responding. She is responding. Her fingers are moving" Rayyan held her hand tightly.

" Sir, please we need you to go out." The nurse told him to which he nodded.

Rayyan went out while the doctor rushed inside along with the nurses. Everyone got panicked at the sight as they thought something has happened to Hoorain.

After a while the doctor came out with a bright smile on his face.

" The patient is perfectly alright. This is the first case in my twenty years of experience, a patient survived after shifting  from the ventilator. Indeed this is a miracle " The doctor said while the others murmured a thousands of alhamdulillah to their creator who heard their prayers.

" I guess you are someone close to the patient?" The doctor turned to Rayyan.

" Yes he is her fiancee " Before Rayyan could reply, Aalif said to the Doctor, making everyone surprised.

Everyone were happy beyond words for Rayyan's dream coming true.

" Your son-in-law has got a special effect on the patient" The doctor patted Rayyan's shoulder.

He indeed had a effect on Hoorain, But is this the end of the problems or is it just a begining?

Hoorain opened her eyes to see her whole family members standing inside the room. Everyone had tears in their eyes, but it was the tears of happiness.

But her eyes travelled across the room, hoping to find a new face. She was looking to find the guy, who loves her but is hiding from her view. She wanted to see him, but she doesn't know whether she hates him or likes him.

Her eyes stopped at one particular musculine figure standing with his arms crossed over his chest and the corner of his eyes were wet which got unnoticed by her.

He was staring at her, thanking Allah a infinite times for giving her back. Hoorain broke the eye contact and looked away.

" Beta(daughter), didn't I tell you to stay away from her" Habeeba swallowed the lump formed in her throat.

She was in a situation of a mother who was in the verge of losing her precious daughter. Her eyes were all red and her lips was still quivering.

" Mumma, didn't I tell you, when your prayers are with me, nothing will happen to me" Hoorain tried to make her mother calm.

Hoorain wiped the tears which was flowing continously from Habeeba's eyes. She looked through Habeeba's shoulder and saw Jannat looking at her with tears in her eyes. To be honest, it was the first time, Hoorain saw Jannat's eyes welled up with tears.

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