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~Behind every beautiful girl is the ugly relationship that made her afraid to love again~

An empty road, the only sound heard was the sound of her breathing up and down. The moonlight seemed scary to her, the breeze bought chills to her spine. She was walking alone on the road, on either side covered with huge trees. There was no houses on the street.

She heard footsteps behind her back, making her to take her steps a bit fast. The footsteps came nearer to her making her run fastly.

She stopped in front of a tree and hid behind it, and breathed heavily. She heard the footsteps again, making her cover her mouth with her palm.

She felt something crawling around her waist. She looked down and screamed at the top of her lungs. But nobody heard her screams, none of them came looking for her.

The bloody-bruised hands held her waist tightly making her scream even more loudly. Tears were flowing over her cheeks while her lips were quivering.

The person behind her back moved his lips near to her ears and whispered,

" No one is gonna come here to save you beautiful" He laughed maniacally, while she turned her head and squeezed her eyes shut at seeing the person near to her.

His face was all bruised and it wasn't recognisable. He had blood over his lips. He opened his mouth and licked his lips with his bloody tongue, while a drop of blood from his mouth fell on Hoorain's neck.

Hoorain wokeup all of a sudden and looked around swallowing her saliva. She breathed heavily, while tears welled up in her eyes. Her forehead was all sweaty even if the air conditioner was on.

" What kinda dream was it? Ya allah!" Hoorain whispered while tears flowed over her cheeks.

" I never get nightmares, ya allah please don't let this cause another loss in our family." Hoorain covered her face and weeped,as the dream was really scary for her.

She removed her hands from her face and turned right, to see a peacefully sleeping Durrah beside her. She caressed her cheeks and kissed on her forehead.

Hoorain removed her duvet and got up from the bed. She wore her cream slippers and went to the bathroom. She performed her ablution and came out.

She went near her small cupboard where she keeps her prayer mat, and took a prayer mat along with her prayer clothes.

She started praying tahajjud, which she after her becoming a teenage girl, never had a day on which she didnot perform tahajjud. Tears were flowing continously when she was performing her namaz.

After her namaz, she bought her both hands up and closed both her eyes.

" Oh Allah, all praise belongs to you. You are the giver of light to heavens and earth, please give light in my heart. Ya allah! Give me patience to accept whatever comes in front of me in this journey of life.
With the total words of Allah,I seek protection from his wrath, from his punishment and from the servants evil and from the whispers of Satan(devil) and I seek protection from these coming to me"

She kissed both of her palms and whispered an Aameen after her prayer.
She felt some kinda peace in both her mind and heart after pouring her heart in front of her creator, the almighty.

She folded her prayer mat and went back to her bed.

It was a pleasant evening, there was people walking on the footpath, some with shopping bags in their hands while some tourists holding each others hands.

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