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Two months later

Tina zips up my dress, making sure the fabric was laying right with my stomach.

"Thank you so much Tina. I know it was hard for you to make a dress that would fit an eight and a half month pregnant stomach," I smiled, hugging her.

"Alright," Mr. Schue clapped his hands, "let's do this, and win so we can get back to sectionals!"

We all put our hands on, doing our show circle before walking to the wings.

My stomach gurgled and the baby kicked fiercely as I paced backstage, trying to calm myself but just making myself more nervous. I pushed my hair out of my face and choked back tears.

I knew Finn would be right. I should be at our new apartment, resting myself. Not at a show choir competition.

I put my head against the wall, a few tears escaping my eyes.

I jumped as I felt hands on my waist, and Finn pulled me closer to his chest. "What's wrong?"

"You were right," I whispered, "I feel horrible," I put his hands on my stomach so he could feel the kicking, "but I really can't bail now,"

"You can," he said to me.

"No," I pushed myself out of his arms, "I'm not bailing!"

"Alright," he nodded, "I'm gonna go get in my place," he kissed me quickly before running away to the other side of the stage. I was the only one on stage right.

"Rachel?" I whipped around to see Jesse, wringing a program in his hands. He glanced at my stomach, his eyes widening for a moment and his face failing, "Uh-"

"If you came to apologize, don't waste your breath," I mumbled, rolling my eyes at him and turning away, "I have to get on stage,"

"Rachel, I didn't mean what I said to you-" he stepped closer to me, but I just ignored him and walked on stage.

The music stared, and I smile into the crowd, though I wanted to cry and run off stage.

"Don't tell me not to live

Just sit and putter...."

I finished my song on my high note, smiling again before running off stage so the others could do their song. I fell into a chair, rubbing my stomach in attempts to stop my baby from kicking so much. But no such luck.

I put on a brave face and went back on stage, finishing the performance and then running off stage with everyone. We went back to the green room, and I fell back into a chair, closing my eyes and steadying my breathing.

"Are you okay, Rachel?" Finn squatted in front of me, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

"Ya," I sniffled, "I'm fine,"

He sat beside me, and I laid my head on his shoulder and kept my eyes closed. He stroked my hair and kissed my head. I knew he was doing what he could to take the pain away from the baby kicking and squirming around, but nothing could.

We were soon called back on stage for awards, and I gripped Finns hand as they announced the other group third place.

Now it's just between us and Vocal Adrenaline. I glanced up, unfortunately locking eyes with Jesse. I looked away immediately.

"And in first place..." one of the judges said, "The New Directions!"

We all smiled, and hugged each other, but I couldn't celebrate fully because of my gigantic stomach. And my impending sickness.

I bounced back into the green room, Finn on my hip and the New Directions behind us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Blaine pulling Kurt away from our group. It was nice of him to come see the show.

Mr. Schue congratulated us on our win, saying we were one step closer to winning nationals again. We all stood in a circle, congratulating each other.

Kurt came bouncing back in, dragging Blaine in behind him, "We have an announcement!" He said in a sing song way, "Blaine proposed!"

Everyone ran up to hug them and congratulate them. I went to go take a step to do the same, but then froze. My mind went blank, my face paled, and my knees were just about to give out.

"Rachel?" Mike said, everyone turned to look at me as tears welled in my eyes, "why aren't you congratulating them?"

"Do you not support our marriage?" Kurt gasped, offended as he grabbed Blaine's hand.

"My water broke,"

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now