One Word; Hospital

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Chapter 8

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound surrounded Rachel, and confused her. She felt a hand holding hers, and prayed it wasn't Finn.

Her body felt light, like floating on a cloud. She felt a needle constantly piercing her skin, but the pain didn't bother her. The pain in her other wrist bothered her the most, but it wasn't from a needle.

The pain in her wrists were from the razor she had in her hand last night.

Rachel slightly squeezed Jesse's hand and opened her eyes. "Hey Rach, feeling okay?" She nodded, staying silent. "Need anything?" She shook her head.

The doctor came in, checking up on her. "So, you will have to live with someone for a while. You must be on suicide watch for two weeks."

"Her dads are away for business for three more weeks and I can't get in touch with them."

"Then she must live with a family member. I'll let you talk it over, I'll be back in half an hour to discharge you." The doctor sighed, leaving the room.

"Would it be okay if I stay at your house with you while your dads are gone?" Rachel nodded. "Rach, why the hell would you do this to yourself? Before the whole thing with Finn, you were so happy, you loved Finn. Why?"

Rachel didn't answer. She didn't have the heart, or the energy.

"I'm gonna go talk to the doctor." Jesse spat, "everyone from glee club, including Finn, ugh, is outside. Do you want to see anyone?" Rachel nodded, and Jesse left.

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Kurt. He rushed over and pulled Rachel into a bone crushing hug, and she silently cried into his shoulder.

Rachel was even more heart broken now then she was before.

"You okay?" Rachel didn't respond. "Want to see Finn?" She quickly shook her head, holding him tighter.

The door opened again and Jesse pulled Kurt out. Everyone gathered in the waiting room to see what the doctor had to say. "It seems Mrs. Berry obviously tried to commit suicide. As of now, she is mute. We're not sure why, but the doctors and nurses won't be able to get anything out of her.

"We need all of you to encourage her to get better. Don't force her into anything, encourage her wellbeing. Mr. St. James, you need to support her well, as you will be living with her. The second any word or sound escapes her mouth, we must be contacted right away.

"If you notice something off with her, like if she's depressed, don't hesitate to call. Okay, that's about it. Have a good day. I'm going to discharge her now. Mr. St. James, let's go."

After Rachel was discharged, she forced Jesse to avoid everyone. She wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone.

The first thing Rachel did was shower and dress in sweats. She curled up on the couch while Jesse was making dinner in the kitchen. "Feeling okay?" He called. Rachel just nodded.

They heard a doorbell, and Rachel laid down on the couch, closing her eyes while Jesse answered it. In came the glee club, dawned with popcorn, pillows, pajamas, and blankets.

"We came for a sleepover!" Artie cheered.

Rachel quickly noticed that Quinn and Finn weren't there and rolled her eyes. "I set this up," Jesse started, "I told them not to show their dirty asses."

Everyone set up a little place for them self to sleep, Kurt and Mercedes on either side of Rachel. They made a point to choose all musical movies and sang along, trying to get something out of her. But Rachel stayed silent, not even cracking a smile at her friends' crazy attitudes.

Everyone left at around 2am, after Rachel had fallen asleep on the couch.

Jesse carried her upstairs and set her in bed, kissing her forehead and allowing her to sleep in peace.

He prayed to God that everything would turn out right for Rachel.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now