Last Christmas

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So, this ones really short, but something important happens. And the title is a Christmas song, but this chapter has nothing to do with Christmas. Just to make things clear. 😊

Chapter 20

"Excuse me? You what?!" Rachel screamed into the phone.

"I'm sorry Rachel-" Finn tried to fight back. At that second, Ramin, Andrew, and Chris all sat on the couch in Rachel's dressing room, enjoying their fight

"You can't be sorry after keeping this from me for four years!" Rachel screamed.

"What's going on?" Chris whispered to Andrew and Ramin.

"Rachel got pissed because she found out that Finn had sex with one of her worst enemies when they were together freshman year." Ramin whispered.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" She screamed.

"But Rachel, you would have broken up with me and I couldn't let that happen." Finn said, trying to be calm.

"What do you think I'm going to do now?" Rachel said, beyond angry.

"You're breaking up with me?" Finn gasped.

"Ya, don't call me after the show." She spat, hanging up.

She plopped down between Ramin and Chris, covering her face and sobbing. "Rachel, why don't you go home. Get some rest and sleep it off."

"Ok. Thank you." Rachel sighed, running out the door.

Rachel spent the entire night engulfing in a carton of ice cream and The Notebook.

Finn called Rachel many times, but she ignored constantly. She refused any type of contact with him for a while.

The next day, Rachel woke up and felt a little sick, but she ignored it and powered trough her two show day.

Rachel was sad, and wanting her husband back.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now