My Roots

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Chapter 9

The next week was spent with the couch, ice cream, and movies. Rachel and Jesse spent a nice peaceful week by themselves.

Rachel was looking forward to another week with no school. And maybe she could even convince Jesse to let her stay off for another week, silently.

"Rachel, feeling okay?" Jesse asked as she walked down the stairs Monday morning. She nodded, sitting at the table. Jesse put a plate of pancakes in front of her. "Ya know, I almost feel like a slave. But I don't mind."

Rachel leaned forward and kissed his cheek as a thank you. "So, I don't want to upset you at all, but I need to tell you something. Finn stopped by last night, after you went to bed. He told me everything that happened, and I tried to yell at him, but he just looked so sad and depressed. I'm not saying that you should go back out with him, but he does regret what happened."

Rachel nodded, eating her breakfast. The day went on as usual, movies and ice cream on the couch. Rachel also did do a lot of her homework, never falling behind on it.

Rachel was doing homework on the floor, laying on her stomach, as she began to feel sleepy. She laid her head down ok her arms and fell asleep.

Jesse watched from the kitchen. All Rachel ever did was homework, cry, and eat ice cream. He wasn't sure if she would ever get out of her funk.

After an hour, Rachel hadn't moved, and the door bell rang. Jesse was told that the glee club was coming over with their teacher to talk to him about Rachel.

He let them in and told them to go in the living room silently. Everyone watched keenly as he tried to wake her without her seeing them.

"Rach, Rachel, wake up. I'm gonna bring you upstairs." He touched her arm, but she slapped it away. "Rachel, you've been on the floor for an hour. You need to get up." She still didn't move. He sighed, giving up.

He lifted her into his arms and forcefully carried her upstairs. She fought back for a second, but quickly let him carry her.

After she was in bed, he came back down. "God, she's a pain. But you gotta love her." Jesse groaned, laughing with everyone. "So what's up?"

"Well, we told you Mr. Schue was coming but he's getting a divorce today, so he couldn't get here." Mercedes started.

"But we just wanted an update on Rachel." Kurt finished.

"Oh, I'm not sure how to explain it. She's a tiny bit better, I guess. She sleeps a lot, which the doctor said is okay. She's not starving herself, which is great because she has done that before. She eats non-stop. But she still hasn't said anything. Both our lives is like a game of charades." Everyone now realized how tired and stressed Jesse was.

"Jesse, how about you go back to your house for a day or two. Me and Kurt will take care of Rachel." Mercedes offered.

"I couldn't ask you to do that." Jesse insisted.

"Nonsense!" Kurt yelled.

"Actually, we'll all stay here and help for a day." Puck said, and everyone agreed.

"Alright. Thank you. Come by tomorrow morning, I guess." Everyone left a little after that and Jesse cleaned the house a little.

Rachel came down for lunch and Jesse explained what was going to happen. "So, your glee friends offered to stay here for a day or two so I can have a break. They're coming over tomorrow morning."

The next morning, everyone arrived within an hour as Jesse was out. Rachel was bored the whole day, staying in bed and never going downstairs. The difference between Jesse and the glee club was that Jesse forced her to do things. The glee club didn't.

The two days passed boringly and Rachel didn't do much of anything. "Rachel, Jesse is back!" Kurt screamed, and Rachel perked up.

She sprinted downstairs, and jumped right into his arms. "Whoa, I guess you missed me."

Rachel nodded, and they say on the couch, waving goodbye to the glee club as they left for school. "Are you ready for school tomorrow?" Jesse tried to encourage her, but hated school himself. "Everything will be okay. And if people talk about you, the best thing to do is just to keep your head up and a smile on your face. You're way better then them."

Rachel went to bed that night, terrified of the next day.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now