All Alone But Going Back

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"Rachel?" Jesse knocks on my bedroom a few days later, carrying in a bowl of soup. He put it next to my bed, sitting beside me. "Rach, you have to eat. You have a baby inside of you. It's not healthy for either of you,"

"I know how to care for a baby, Jesse," I spat, "I've done it before," he looked taken aback by my sudden outburst. "I'm sorry, Jesse. I'm just not thinking straight anymore,"

"It's okay, Rach," he nodded, brushing some hair out of my eyes, "you've had to go through this too many times,"

"It's just," I mumbled, sitting up slowly, "I don't feel anything. All I feel is numbness,"

"You were pissed at Finn for leaving you after banging you," I gave him an angry look at his term banging, "Sorry, I hate him too,"

"But I love him so much. And I don't know what's going on with me," I said, feeling confused, "I guess it's just hormones,"

"It's not hormones, Rach," Jesse said, "your husband just died. You're grieving-"

"Actually," I said, pushing myself out of bed, "I have to get to Kurt's. They invited me over for dinner. I'm gonna take Rosemary,"

I put on my jacket and grabbed a sleeping Rosemary. "You can't keep running from your problems Ra-" I shut the door.

I drove quickly to Kurt and Blaine's apartment, bursting in because I know where their spare key is. "I'm here!" I shouted, putting Rosemary on the couch. She started crawling around.

Blaine came out, giving me a smile and a quick hug. "Doing okay?"

I sighed, shrugging. "I don't really know how I feel," I said, "but I'm sure I didn't come here to talk about my dead husband,"

"No, of course not," Blaine said, walking over and picking Rosemary up, "Kurt and I wanted to run something by you. Kurt, come out here!"

"Hold on!" He shouted back.

I sat across from Blaine and smiled, then Kurt bounced out and say beside him. "Okay, what do you need to tell me?"

"Well," Kurt grinned, "since we can't get married until gay marriage is legal, we wanted to take it to the next step," he explained, and I was momentarily confused, "We wanted to adopt a daughter,"

My eyes widened. "Wow," I gasped, "are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Well," Blaine started, "we realized this because of you."

"Because of me?"

"Ya. Rosemary is such an amazing little girl and we both enjoy spending time with her. I mean, we contemplated kidnapping her so we could have her for ourselves," Blaine said playfully, tickling her stomach as she giggled and squirmed.

"We love each other so much, and we thought a daughter is perfect for us," Kurt finished.

"Well, in that case," I sighed, "I'm glad I could help you see the light. I'll support you,"

They jumped up, hugging me and thanking me. After that, we had a quick dinner and then I took Rosemary home.

I laid in bed, almost falling asleep. But then my phone buzzed.

I groaned, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Hey Rachel, I'm sorry for calling so late," Mr. Schue said on the other line.

"Oh no, it's okay. What do you need?" I sat up, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"I need you to do me a huge favor," he paused, but I expected him to go on and tell me, "I'm having a hard time connecting with these kids and getting them ready for nationals,"

"And I come in where?" I asked, yawning.

"I want you to come back to Lima and help me with these kids. Nobody knows what they're going through better than you," he explained, "and I'll fly you out here and you-"

"I'll be there in three days," I said quickly, hanging up. I dialed Kurt's number.

"Rachel? Why are you calling me this late?" Kurt said tiredly.

"I have a proposal. Since you and Blaine want to adopt a daughter, you should care for mine for a week or two," I said, laying back in bed.

"Uh, why?" He asked.

"Because I'm going back to Lima to help with the glee club for two weeks and it'll be too crazy to bring Rosemary with me. You'll be ready for your daughter," I explained.

I heard him say something to Blaine and they discussed it for a minute or two. "Okay, we'll do it. Tell us details and we'll be happy to care for Rosie,"

"Good," I said, hanging up and falling asleep. Thank god I'm getting out of this place for a while.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now