And Back Into Hell

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Chapter 27

*five months later* Rachel is 6 and a half months pregnant

A tear fell down Rachel's face.

People pushed into her, sometimes smacking her books from her hands. Dirty looks were constantly thrown her way, and then people turned to talk about her quietly.

More tears fell down her face as she threw her books in her locker, slamming her locker closed.

As she walked to glee club, someone slapped her books, making them fall to the floor. "Slut." They hissed, high fiving their friend as they stomped away.

Rachel walked as fast as she could to glee, and sat herself in the corner. Nobody noticed her.

As Mr. Schuester walked in, he looked confused. "Rachel, why are you in the corner?"

"I just am." She said quickly.

"Well, are you okay?" He asked.

"No, I'm not." She replied, getting upset and not liking everyone staring at her.

"Then what's wrong? Is it the baby?" He asked, knowing exactly what was wrong.

"Yes!" She screamed, standing up and walking to the front of the room. "None of you know what it's like to be pregnant! Everyone judges me because of how I look, they don't know the story. My story. Everyone just needs to shut up!" She shouted, starting to cry again.

Everyone, but Finn, looked like they could care less. "I'm going home." She mumble loudly, wobbling out the door.

"Rachel!" Finn shouted, running after Rachel. She didn't stop walking, just kept going towards her car. "Rachel, stop!"

He slammed the car door shut as she was about to get in. "Let me go, Finn," Rachel sobbed, trying to get back in the car.

"Not until you tell me why you're so upset and ran out of Glee," Finn insisted, "and claimed that none of us knew how you were feeling,"

"Because you don't. No one knows what it feels like to be pregnant in high school," Rachel spat, more tears streaming down her cheeks. Finn reached forward and wiped them away, softly kissing her forehead.

"What happened?" He cooed.

"People were just bullying me and some guy called me a slut before class," she mumbled, looking into his eyes.

"Whoever called you a slut is gonna get a person beating by me!" Finn shouted, getting suddenly angry.

"No, Finn, it's fine," Rachel insisted.

"Rachel, you're clearly hurting inside," Finn fought back.

"I'm sure it's just hormones," Rachel shook her head, turning and opening the car door.

"It's not hormones,"

"Yes it is," she spat, "go back to class, I'm gonna go home and relax for the day," Rachel got in the car, driving away before Finn could object.

She drove all the way home, stomping in and into her room. Rachel angrily threw her books across the room, stripping off her clothes.

She stepped in the water, washing her hair and body. Rachel sighed, finally stepping out of the water. She wrapped a towel around her small body, walking back into her bedroom.

Rachel sat on the bed, tossing her razor back and forth between her hands. She couldn't risk her own life now.

Rachel has a baby inside her. She was now caring for two lives.

Rachel finally decided. "Only a few," she whispered to herself, pressing the razor against her skin.

After Rachel finished, she fell back on her bed, more tears streaming down her face. She eventually pushed herself up, pulling on sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

Just as Rachel hobbled down the stairs, their was a knock at the door. She groaned. "Coming!"

Rachel threw open the door to see Ramin, Sam, Andrew, Chris, and Will. "Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" I hugged them all, inviting them in.

"We're here to visit," Ramin said, kissing my cheek, "how far along are you, Rach?"

"Just about six and a half months," she sighed, putting her hands on her stomach and leading them over to the couch. She fell back, sighing in relief.

"So how has life been in Ohio?" Chris teased, plopping beside Rachel.

"Just great," she said sarcastically, "I'm living with my glee club and I see them every day at school,"

"Sound like everything's going great for you," Sam teased, nudging Rachel's shoulder.

"Why are you home?" Andrew asked.

"Ya, shouldn't you be at school or something?" Will finished.

"I left early because of- problems," she explained best as she could, sighing after. They all nodded, seeming to understand what she was implying.

Who would think that being pregnant would be that hard?

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now