Rosemary And Jesse And War

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"It's a girl," the doctor said, handing me my daughter, "congratulations,"

I cradled my daughter in my arms, smiling at Finn who sat on the bed beside me. "She's precious," he whispered, kissing my temple.

"And she has your beautiful brown eyes," I smiled, her tiny hand wrapping around Finns finger, "And we have to pick a name,"

"You pick," Finn insisted.

"Hmm," I hummed, "as much as I'd love to have my daughter named after my idol, I don't think she looks like a Barbara," I giggled a little, resting my head on Finn's shoulder, "how about-" I thought for a second, "Rosemary?"

"Beautiful," Finn said, "I love it. And I love both of you," just as he leaned down to kiss me, the door slowly opened.

The entire glee club piled in, along with Mr. Schue and Mrs. Pillsbury. Finn and I smiled at them.

"Meet the newest addition to the New Directions," Finn said softly, "Rosemary Hudson,"

"The name is beautiful," Tina said.

I handed Rosemary to Finn, laying back on the bed. I closed my eyes, confused on how their were so many people here but it was silent.

I was thankful to be able to sleep after many painful hours in labor.

One week later

Rosemary and I have been home for three days now, and everything is going amazingly at the apartment. Rosemary isn't too bad and sleeps through most of the night, but cries constantly during the day.

I laid down in bed that night, exhausted from running around all day. Finn laid behind me, putting his arms around me.

We both close our eyes, ready to sleep for the night. Suddenly, tears streamed down my cheeks as I started sobbing.

"Rachel, what's wrong?" Finn asked, confused by my outburst of sadness.

"I wish my dads were here!" I sobbed out, turning and crying into my chest, "They missed the birth of my first child. I just realized now that they'll never be here to hear her first word or see her first steps,"

"But they'll always be in your heart, Rach," Finn cooed, pulling me into his chest and holding me in his arms, "and they're up there watching over you, and me, and now Rosemary. They're watching over you and making sure that everything is okay, okay?" I nodded, and as I did, Rosemary started wailing in the nursery.

I pushed myself away from Finns embrace and ran out of the room, my feet silent against the hardwood floor. I got into the nursery and picked up her tiny body in my arms, bouncing her slightly.

"Shh, baby, stop crying," I cooed, starting to feed her as she calmed down and stopped crying. As I fed and bounced her around, I looked towards the door to see Finn leaning against the doorframe, smiling at me. "What?" I asked gently, smiling back at him.

"You're just so amazing with her," Finn whispered.

"Thank you," I kissed Rosemary's forehead, setting her back in her crib, "but, come on, let's go to bed,"

The next morning

I insisted Finn go to school again. So I practically forced breakfast down his throat and pushed him out the door.

This was my first day alone- I'm sure out of many- with Rosemary. To be honest, I'm nervous.

I'm an only child. I don't know how to do this. Finn had his little sister to practice on, he's much more experienced than me.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now