Jesse St. James

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Chapter 2

"Come on Rachel, you have to eat more then that." Hiram sighed at his daughter.

"I'm not hungry." Rachel fought back, running up her room. She unpacked a little but got quickly tired and fell asleep.

The next morning, she got to school, dreading what was in store for her. She didn't catch Finn in the morning, so was forced to find her class on her own.

She managed to get their on time, surprisingly, and everyone was fooling around. "Everyone," Kurt announced to the class, "today at 12, Vocal Adrenaline is having a dress rehearsal for sectionals in two weeks. We're going to spy."

"We're skipping class?" Rachel asked, obviously the only concerned one.

"No, principal Figgins already knows. Actually, he thinks we're going on a field trip. Whatever. Everyone meet here at 11:30." Everyone nodded, going off to their classes.

Something weird happened at lunch that day, between Rachel and Finn. Something sparked.

Their hands touched each other's and a shock went through each of their bodies. Rachel blushed, pulling away. "We should go in the 'field trip' now, I guess."

Finn agreed, and they walked to the class. Shortly after, everyone was in their cars over to Carmel. "So, why don't you drive?" Finn asked.

"I have a license, but not for this state. It's for New York, where I lived before." Rachel explained.

"Okay. Tell me about you. Everything someone would need to know about you."

"Ok," Rachel slightly giggled. "My name is Rachel Berry. I have two gay dads, LaRoy and Hiram. I have dreams of being on Broadway one day. Uh, I think that's it. Oh! And gold stars are kinda my thing, I love them."

"Wow, gay dads, Broadway, gold stars. Got it." Finn listed, both of them laughing slightly. "We're here."

They got out and joined the others. Everyone snuck inside and into the auditorium where Vocal Adrenaline was performing Bohemian Rhapsody.

"Damn, they're good." Puck added, groaning.

The male lead stuck out to Rachel. He looked so familiar, but it would be impossible. She shook the thought out of her head, but not fully.

Once they finished, they all say on the stage, their coach giving them horrible critiques. "God, that sounded disgusting. And everyone, look at Jesse. He has the face of a winner." He put on a huge smile and the coach nodded. "Everyone, I want to see a smile so big that I hurts." Everyone imitated Jesse. "Better! Now go get your stuff and get back to class."

"Jesse." Rachel whispered to herself.

"Ya," Santana added, "that's Jesse St. James."

"Oh my god." A tear slid down Rachel's face.

"What? What's wrong?" Finn asked, suddenly at her side.

Rachel jumped up quickly, running down to the floor, and not the balcony, where they were. "Rachel, stop." Finn hissed, running after her as everyone followed.

"Rachel!" Brittany shouted, grabbing the attention of everyone else in the room. "Stop." She whispered, smiling to herself.

Everyone rolled their eyes at her. Rachel ignored everyone, walking towards Jesse. "Jesse?" He gave her a confused look. "It's me, Rachel."

A look of relief and amazement swept across his face as he dropped his backpack and ran to her. He wrapped his arms around her, and so did Rachel.

"Oh my god, you're out of the hospital! You're here! Oh my god! I love you!" Jesse yelled, squeezing Rachel.

When he said that, something in Finns mind went off. For some reason he felt, jealous. Why, he had no clue.

"I love you too." Rachel sighed, completely forgetting everyone else was there. The members of Vocal Adrenaline were now standing in a huddle, laughing at Jesse and Rachel's reunion. Meanwhile, the New Directions were in a huddle as well, just confused.

Finn cleared his throat loudly, pulling the two apart. "Oh right, sorry." Rachel laughed, pulling away and putting her arms around Jesses waist. "Guys, this is Jesse St. James, he's my brother."

Finn let out some breath of relief, as well as the others. "And my guys," Jesse said to his team, "this is Rachel Berry, my sister."

"God I haven't seen you in years-" Rachel started.

"Rachel, we really need to go." Kurt spat, grabbing her hand and pulling her along. She didn't even wave goodbye to Jesse.

She was shoved back into Finns car and he began driving again. "That was, uh, interesting." Finn said, still kind of confused. "Uh, Rachel, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? We could just kinda watch a movie or something."

"Ya, I'd like that. But why wait, let's just skip and go to my house now." Finn nodded, taking a sharp right towards her house instead of McKinley. "My dads are already out on business and won't be back for a while."

"I like this daring side to you. This is a whole new Rachel Berry from the one I met yesterday." Finn chuckled.

"I am a really shy person, but once I get comfortable around people, I start to become more like myself. But come on." She pulled him inside, and they immediately ordered pizza and put in a movie.

Rachel was happy with Finn. She didn't know why she felt safe and comfortable with him. She couldn't deny that she definitely liked him. What she liked, she wasn't sure. But everything was appealing to her.

They both looked at each other, leaning in. Their lips were just about to touch when the doorbell rang. The pizza. They both sighed, and Finn went to get it.

They sat in silence, pissed that the pizza soiled their moment.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now