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Chapter 4

"Should we wake them up?" Rachel heard her dad ask.

"I have no clue. This has never happened before." LaRoy said, sounding flustered.

Rachel and Finn woke up at the same time, both confused. "Shit, we fell asleep." Finn whispered, and Rachel laughed, running her eyes.

"Hi." She waved to her dads. "Sorry."

"Ya, I'm sorry for falling asleep. I'll just go now. Bye Rachel."

"Bye Finn." Rachel whispered, watching him walk out the door. "Stop embarrassing me dads."

She marched upstairs, flopping in her bed and staying there for the rest of the day.

The next week passed boringly, with nothing but work and stress about sectionals. Sectionals is next week, and they still don't have a duet song for Finn and Rachel.

"Come on guys, we need ideas!" Mr. Schue yelled, getting nothing from his students. The bell rang and everyone ran out, not wanting to be there any longer.

"Rachel!" Finn called, pushing through people to get to her. "Hey, uh, do you want to come over tonight to work on our duet?"

"Sure. What time?" Rachel asked, putting her books in her locker.

"6? I'll text you my address." Rachel nodded, walking away and to her next class.

Rachel couldn't wait until she could go to Finns house.

She drove herself over, as she got her license for Ohio, and got to Finns house.

His mom answered, smiling at Rachel. "uh, hello."

"Hi, I'm here for Finn." Rachel said shyly.

"Finn!" She called, letting Rachel in.

He came running down the stairs, pulling his shirt over his head. "Hi. Mom, this is Rachel. She's here to work on our duet for glee club." Finn explained quickly, pulling Rachel into his basement. "Sorry about that. She can be really nosy sometimes."

"It's okay, my dads are like that too."

"So let's go, what should we sing?" They spent the next hour trying to figure it out, until Rachel had a stroke of genius.

"Let's sing Somebody to Love." Rachel shouted, and Finn nodded.

They spent a while looking up karaoke and sheet music to learn the song and then finally put it all together. "Can you find me, somebody to, love," they sang, getting up acting out the song.

They soon forgot hat anyone else was in the house, and they belted out the song as loud as they could.

They finished the song, breathless, an inch from each other's faces. Finn slowly leaned in, connecting their lips together.

Rachel slowly succumb to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Finns arms found their way around her hips and he pulled her closer to him.

Once they pulled away, they rested their foreheads against each other's and sighed. "Rachel, I think I'm in love with you."

"I do too." She whispered.

"Let's go on a date tonight. I'll take you to Breadstix." Finn decided, kissing her forehead.

"I've never been there." Rachel said shortly, and Finns jaw hit the floor.

"That place is amazing. You don't know what you're missing." Finn chuckled, and Rachel smiled.

"Well, I look forward to tonight then." She glanced at the time, "I guess I should go get ready."

Finn nodded, walking her out to her car. He gave her a kiss goodbye before she drove away, throwing him a smile.

Rachel rushed home, running upstairs. Upon looking through her closet, she realized she had no clue what to wear.

She called for backup. Mercedes and Kurt.

They arrived within minutes, confused as to why they were there. "Ok, don't freak out, but when we were working on our duet, me and Finn kissed. And we're going out tonight." Rachel explained, a small smile on her face.

Mercedes quickly curled her hair and did her makeup while Kurt picked out the perfect dress for the occasion.

She slipped into the strapless, blue dress and put on her flats. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. "Thank you guys."

"You look beautiful." Kurt added, hugging her.

"I'm so nervous. What do I say?" Rachel spat out, sitting on her bed.

"Just be yourself. I know Finn, he's like a brother to me. He doesn't like it when girls try to be something their not, just to impress him." Kurt said.

"Just don't be a pig while eating, too." Mercedes added, "and make sure you talk about what each of you like, not just you or him."

"You'll be great. Just have fun. But not too much fun." Kurt giggled.

"And if you get there, use protection."

Rachel blushed, never imagining herself having sex so soon in a relationship.

"Rachel, Finn is here!" Hiram yelled.

"Be yourself!" Kurt yelled as she walked downstairs.

Rachel took a deep breath before facing Finn. A smile stretched across his face as he took her hand and kissed her cheek. "Bye dads. I'll be back whenever." Rachel said quickly.

"Be home before midnight and no sex!" LaRoy and Hiram called as they left.

When they sat down in his car and began to drive away, Finn said, "did I tell you that you look completely beautiful?"

Rachel blushed, ready for her date.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now