On Our Own

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The rest of this fanfic will be in Rachel's POV, by the way...

"Finn," I call from the couch to where he is in the kitchen, "can you turn the heat up?"

"Rach, it's boiling hot in here," Finn chuckled.

"Well, I'm cold," I snapped, dreading my pregnancy.

"Only two and a half months left," Finn whispered, smiling at me.

"Finn," I said quickly, sitting up slowly, "I think we should move out,"


"I mean," I stuttered a little bit, "once we have the baby, she's gonna cry and cry all night. Everyone's going to be annoyed, and I don't want to put them through this. And we're married. I think it's time we acted like we are, and move out,"

"I agree," Finn smiled again.

"R-Really?" I stood, grabbing my backpack as we got ready to leave.

"Of course. We'll leave this weekend," he nodded at me, helping me into the car.

And he kept his promise. We bought an apartment that afternoon and packed all of our belongings.

Finchel is moving out!

Two weeks later

It took Finn and I two weeks to settle in to our apartment, but we finally had. It was only a couple blocks from my childhood house, and we were even closer to school.

Finn and I laid in bed, his hand rubbing circles in my huge stomach, "Only three more months,"

"And two and a half until sectionals," I said.

"Are you sure you'll be okay to perform. Especially if you have a solo?" Finn said protectively.

I smiled up at him, "Even if I throw up two minute before we go on stage or my water breaks during my high note, I'm performing at sectionals. It's my senior year, and I'm having a baby in the middle of it. I'm performing,"


"Finn," I laughed a bit, "I'll be fine. Stop being so protective,"

"Sorry, habit," Finn chuckled, kissing my head.

"Come on, lets get to glee practice," I pushed myself up, pulling Finn with me.

Glee practice was usually challenging for me, and most of the time I either wound up crying, throwing up, throwing a tantrum, or sitting out. All because of hormones most of the time, but it kept everyone on their toes.

We're on our way to winning sectionals.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now