He's Back

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Two days later

Finally. Silence and relaxation.

For the first time in a year I get a weekend to myself. Jesse is off somewhere with his guy friends and Kurt and Blaine decided to take Rosemary under their wing so I could have my well deserved break.

I laid down in bed, exhausted and wanting to take a nap. Just as I was about to be pulled into sleep, their was a knock at the door.

Groaning, I pushed myself out of bed and to the door. I froze.

"F-Finn? What the hell are you doing here?" I gasped, looking him up and down. It seemed unusual for me to see him in all camouflage.

"Wow, I thought my wife would be happier to see me," Finn said, looking a bit hurt.

"Finn, you ignored me for ten months and then just waltz in here and expect me to kiss you and love you. Not happening," I shook my head, crossing my arms.

"Rachel, they took my phone away. I had no way of contacting you," I already felt bad for yelling at him, "and you know the reason I did this was to honor my dad,"

"God, Finn, I'm so sorry," I jumped into his arms, "I missed you so much,"

"I missed you too, Rach," he pulled away from me, connecting our lips.

But I wanted more than just a kiss. I haven't had sex with him for two years, and I craved his touch again.

I shut the door behind us, and he picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. And we closed the bedroom door behind us.

I woke up the next morning, expecting to see Finn beside me, but there was only an empty bed. And his clothes weren't all over the floor either.

I wrapped the thin blanket around my naked body, walking into the main part of the apartment. He was nowhere to be seen.

So we have sex and then he just leaves? What a bitch.

I fell back in my bed, curling up again and falling asleep. Maybe sleep will dull my immense amounts of pain.

Two months later

I wake up, feeling sick again. I feel my forehead, but I don't have a fever.

I push myself up, trudging into the kitchen. Their was a note from Jesse. Took Rosemary to daycare and I'll be at classes all day. Have fun!

I smelled pancakes, but the smell made me instantly nauseous and I ran to empty my stomach in the bathroom. I sat back in the cold tile floor, wiping my mouth.

Wait. No.

I sat up instantly, not believing my own thoughts. I threw open the cabinet and searched through it, finding a pregnancy test. I had those down there because one time I was really drunk and hooked up with some guy at a bar and though I was pregnant. But just had food poisoning.

So after I performed the test, I sat down on the couch in the living room, trying to keep myself from crying or throwing a huge temper tantrum.

I stared at the clock, wishing these ten minutes would go by faster so I could find out that I wasn't pregnant. But then again, I did have sex with Finn when he saw me, and then left. And it was that time of the month for me.

When time was up, I sprinted into the bathroom to see the results. Positive. I'm pregnant.

Instantly, I burst into tears. I threw flip flops on, despite the cold weather, and ran outside and into my car. I drove five blocks to Kurt and Blaine's apartment, panicking because I didn't know who else I should go to.

I frantically knocked on the door, still sobbing. "Rachel?" Kurt said when he opened the door, "oh my god, what's wrong?"

"Im so scared!" I sobbed, resting my head on his chest and crying to him.

"What happened?" He gasped, "Did you get raped?"

"No!" I said, sniffling, "Kurt, you-"

Blaine came in, looking confused. He most likely heard me crying. "What's wrong?"

"Can you two keep a secret and promise not to tell a single soul about this?" They nodded, pulling me over to the couch. I sat down between them, grabbing each of their hands for support, "I'm pregnant," I said in disbelief.

"Oh dear god," Kurt gasped, "it's not Brody's, is it?"

"It-it's-" I stuttered, "Finns."

"Finns?" Blaine said, "Since when did you see Finn?"

"He came to visit two months ago. He apologized for not returning my efforts to contact him, and we kissed, and obviously had sex. But then he left. In the middle of the night. He left me with a child," I said, a new wave of tears flowing down my cheeks.

I can't believe this is happening.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now