Going Out

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Chapter 5

"So you've never been to school before?" Finn asked and Rachel nodded.

"I'm not sure why. My dads just always homeschooled me. But when I lived in New York, I did theater. I was always somewhat of a outsider." Rachel shrugged, "but whatever, enough about my depressing childhood. What about yours? Tell me about you and your family."

"Well, I have a younger sister, Sierra, who's a pain. She's six, my mom had her right after my dad left to go fight in Iraq. I miss him. But he calls and sends letters." Finn explained.

"Is it hard?" Rachel asked quietly.


"Having to grow up without a father figure? I know how that feels. I didn't know my mom until a few years ago. But she doesn't contact me. I think she hates me." Finn reached over the table and put his hand atop Rachel's, comforting her. "Sorry, I didn't want to make this about me. Back to you." She laughed slightly.

"Theirs not much else. It's me, my sister, and my mom in the house. My sister is super annoying. I suck at school. I'm play football and basketball. Glee club is pretty cool, I guess."


"It's awesome, except for the times I get slushied." Finn chuckled.

"Ya, it hurts."

"It's worst with blue raspberry. I'm gonna let you in on something." He started as he paid the bill and they left Breadstix, "the glee club has a theory, about slushy flavors. If it's cherry, they do it for no reason. If it's grape, they usually do that after a performance. And blue raspberry is if they really feel like dicks that day." Rachel nodded, trying to remember that all.

"So where to now?"

"We could go back to my house." The both agreed so he started the car.

When they arrived at Finns house, they went into the backyard. The pool was open, as it was the middle of Spring. They both put their feet in the pool and held hands.

"This was really nice." Rachel concluded.

"Ya, it was fun. I'd like to continue this, if possible. So, Rachel I don't know your middle name Berry," she giggled, "would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to." Their lips connected again, and soon, Rachel had splashed Finn. She giggled, pulling away.

"Really? You're gonna go there?"

Rachel nodded, splashing him again. Soon enough, they were having a water fight. Until Rachel pushed Finn in. She burst in to laughter, but didn't realize that she was being pulled in too.

They both fell under, laughing as they came back up. "Thank god for waterproof makeup!" She chimed, wrapping her arms around Finns neck as they stayed afloat.

"You don't need makeup, Rach. You're beautiful without it." Finn complimented, pressing their lips together again.

"Oh my god, you two need to dry up!" Finns mom yelled from inside, "I'll get you blankets and towels."

"Maybe we should get out." They both agreed and jumped out, grabbing towels and blankets.

They curled up on a hammock and looked up at the stars. Finn tried to make a move, but wound up tipping it over so they tumbled to the floor, Rachel laying on top of him.

"Smooth move." Rachel giggled, leaning down and kissing him.

"Yep, best first date ever." Finn said quietly.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now