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Chapter 7

Rachel's foot tapped against the bottom of Finns car as he drove to sectionals.

"Oh my god, you're making me go crazy with that Rach." Finn chuckled, putting his hand on her leg to stop her.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!" Rachel shouted. "We're here!"

She jumped out of the car, grabbing Finns hand and pulling him inside. They ran to the room where everyone was beginning to get ready.

Rachel and Finn got changed into their attire and finished the look just in time to perform. "You'll do great." Finn assured as they walked out from the wings.

After performing a perfect routine, they all ran off stage, 100% pleased with their performance. Finn and Rachel kissed each other the second they got back to their room, in front of everyone.

"You're such an adorable couple!" Tina gushed, and the chuckled.

"Thanks." Rachel said shortly, taking her heels off.

Finn could have sworn he saw Quinn whisper something in Santana's ear before smiling devilishly. "Can I make an announcement to everyone?" She was cut off by Jesse bursting in the room.

"Oh Rachy, you were great!" She tossed herself into his arms.

"You were too! I'll talk to you later, Quinn wants to make an announcement." Jesse nodded, telling everyone they did great before heading out. "Sorry, continue."

"Ok then. Uh, I'm pregnant." She said quickly, looking around at everyone's shocked faces.

"Who's the baby daddy?" Mercedes asked.

Quinn took a deep breath before saying, "Finn."

Every pair of eyes turned to Rachel and Finn. "Rachel, I'm sorry. I don't know how this happened. We never even had sex, but-"

"Stop with the shitty excuses Finn. I can't believe I trusted you. I trusted you with my biggest secret and you turn and get Quinn pregnant?" She started sobbing, so turned and ran out the door.

She ran all the way to where she knew Vocal Adrenaline's room was. She ran in, immediately finding Jesse. "Oh my god, Rachel!" He pulled her outside and into a hug immediately. "What happened?"

"Finn got Quinn pregnant!" She sobbed, burying her head in his chest.

"Rach, I'm so sorry. He's an idiot."

"I can't go back in there. I can't face all of them." Rachel clung to Jesse as if her life depended on it.

"Ok, I'll go get your stuff and bring you home." Jesse concluded, pulling away and kissing her forehead.

"Thank you." He nodded as he disappeared down the hall. "And I'll give Finn a piece of my mind!" He called behind his back.

Rachel slid down the wall, throwing her head back. She still didn't process what was going on. "Quinn is pregnant and Finn is the father. Quinn is pregnant and Finn is the father." She reminded herself over and over until her mind finally comprehended it.

Jesse came back soon, fuming with anger. "I yelled at him, and he didn't say anything. He didn't fucking say anything!"

Rachel nodded, grabbing sweatpants and a sweatshirt out of her bag. "But wait," she stopped, "you'll miss awards. I couldn't ask you to do that."

"I don't care about some stupid award. That jackass boyfriend-"


"That jackass ex-boyfriend of yours just broke the heart of my little sister. I could care less about a trophy." Jesse quickly pulled her outside and into the pouring rain.

They sprinted to his car, quickly driving to Rachel's house. "Where are your dads?"

"They both went out for business. They do that all the time."

"Well, I'm staying over." Jesse concluded, opening her door. "So you go and do whatever, shower or change. Get out of that damn dress. I'll change then make you and I some dinner. We'll have a substitute movie night." Rachel nodded, moping up the stairs.

Rachel just put on fuzzy pants and a sweatshirt, taking her hair out from its fancy updo. She wiped a her makeup off and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked completely ugly. Her hair messed up and frizzy, eyes red and puffy.

She grabbed her blanket and pillow pet before running back down the stairs. Jesse handed her a plate with grilled cheese and tomato soup, her favorite.

They curled up under her blanket and ate in silence, their eyes locked on whatever tv show they were watching.

"How are you feeling?" Jesse asked gently.

"Heartbroken, mostly. Disappointed. Sad. Upset. Their are so many adjectives to use, I can't even list them all." Rachel sighed, curling up under Jesses arm.

"I'll help you through this. As well as kicking Finns ass." Rachel laughed, closing her eyes. "Why don't you head to bed? I'll stay down here." Rachel nodded, running upstairs.

As Rachel lay in bed, she began to get angry with herself. Rachel quickly got pissed with herself and ran into the bathroom, searching for her razor.

She didn't remember anything after that.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now