Who Here

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I walked through the halls of McKinley, thankfully people not bumping into me. Maybe they know who I am, or know I'm Broadway famous. Or realize I'm pregnant and don't want I be too cruel.

I stand outside of the chorus room, watching all the members. Mr. Schuester was with Brad the piano man, looking over music.

Everyone was fooling around, talking to each other. But I saw two girls. It was Marley and another blonde girl I didn't know.

The blonde put her pointed and middle finger together, pointing into her mouth. My heart stopped.

"Mr. Schue," I said, stepping in the room and smiling, "hey," we hugged, and he turned to everyone.

"Everyone, please turn your attention. To Rachel, I'm sure you remember her," I waved to everyone.

"Uh," I looked to Brad and the band, along with Mr. Schue, "you guys can go. And please close the door behind you," they all filed out, Mr. Schue looking confused.

I sat on the piano, putting my hand on my baby bump. I looked everyone over, stoping at the blonde.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Kitty," she said confidently, but sounding more cocky than confident.

"Hmm," I hummed, standing up and pacing in front of the students. I glanced at Marley, smiling. "Who knows who I am?" I said. They looked at me like I have ten heads, "Well, you all know I'm Rachel Berry. And that I went to this school and was lead in the Glee club."

Marley slowly raised her hand. "Junior year you were Eponine on Broadway in the new production of Les Miz."

"Correct," I said, smiling at her again.

Once again, everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Alright," I sighed, leaning gain at the piano, "everyone close your eyes," they did so, "and raise your hands when you want to say yes to these questions,"

I stood again, walking in front of them again. "Who here has harmed themselves on purpose?" No one raised their hands, "And who has gotten drunk or taken drugs?" Again, no one, "Anyone made themselves sick to loose weight?" I saw Marley's hand twitch, like she was going to raise it, but she never did, "Who's insecure about anything about themselves?" No one, "Everyone open your eyes,"

I sat back on the piano, looking at everyone. "Let me tell you a story. This is about a girl who went to your school. She was an outsider, was homeschooled until freshman year. She got bullied when she came here. She cut herself, wanted to die. Both her dads died in a car crash. Her mother hated her. And then she tried to commit suicide. And then this girl fell in love. She got married to her love, and then got pregnant senior year. Then her husband left her and their new daughter to go join the army. The girl started cutting again. She hated herself, and again, wanted to die. So she moved to New York City with her brother and daughter, finished high school online, and then graduated and now goes to NYADA. And she's pregnant again, now. And her husband just died in battle. And you know who that girl is?" I explained my life story quickly, everyone cringing at the harsh details, "Her name is Rachel Berry,"

"But-" Marley said, "how can you go through all that stuff and be so beautiful and successful?"

"Want to know how?" I said, standing again, "Glee," they all rolled their eyes, thinking it was bs, "no, I'm not kidding. Glee is what kept me going. Glee is what allowed me to sing out my feelings and express what I was feeling,"

"But-" Kitty said, but I cut her off.

"I know what you're all feeling. I'm still going through what you are," I held up my wrist I show the new cuts from this morning, "I'm still going through it. Now, we're gonna do this again. Close your eyes and answer truthfully. Who here has harmed themselves on purpose?" A few of them, "And who has been teased because of something?" Most of them, "Drugs or drinking?" One or two, "Made themselves sick on purpose?" Marley and Kitty, "Insecurities?" Most of them. "Open your eyes. All of you have your problems. You all need ways to express your feelings," I walked to the board and wrote down emotions on the board, "Your assignment this week is to perform a song that expresses what you're feeling. And then, only if you're comfortable, you can share with the rest of the class what you're problem is," the bell rang, "get out and rehearse your songs,"

They all waved goodbye, running out the door and to their next class. After the bell, I went to the cafeteria so I could get a water bottle.

As I took the first sip, Marley came up to me, "Mrs. Berry-"

"Please," I said, "call me Rachel. I'm not your teacher, just a mentor,"

"Ok, Rachel, can I talk to you about this weeks assignment?" She asked nervously, rocking back and forth on her feet and looking down.

"Ya, of course. Let's go to the choir room," I said, leading her into the hallway. I closed the door behind us.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now