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I shot up in bed, breathing heavily and a cold sweat running down my face and neck. I pressed a hand to my forehead, my pounding headache most likely because I fell and hit my head.

My legs were shaking, so their was no way I was going to be walking any time soon. I pushed myself up, my arms shaking under my body weight.

"Rachel? Are you okay?" Jesse said frantically, coming in my room an rushing to my side.

"Finn!" I shouted. "I opened the door and-and I saw Finn!"

"Rach." Jesse sighed. "Just stay here." And then he left the room.

What the hell is going on? I just gave birth and now I'm seeing my dead husband? What?

"Rachel." Oh my god. He's right there. Standing in front of me. My dead husband.

"F-Finn?" I gasped, almost moving away from him. "W-What-"

"Let me explain." He sat down on the bed beside me, reaching for my hand. Slowly, I put my hand forward and he grabbed it. I can actually feel him. He's actually here with me. "Okay, so these guys- they captured me. And they've had me this whole time. They went the whole nine yards with the military to make them think I was dead. I would've contacted you if I could, Rach. I'm so sorry they made you go through this!" He said, kissing my hand.

"Wait." I said, pulling my hand away. "You were captured?" He nodded. "And the people who captured you told the military that you were dead?" He nodded again. "So you're okay?"

"I'm fine. I mean, they hit me a bunch of times, but I'm okay." Finn insisted.

"I missed you so much!" I cried, jumping into his arms and curling up on his lap. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you too, Rachel." Finn whispered.

"Have you met the kids? And I just had Jesse so I'd be fine for you too meet him now and be his father and-"

"Shh." Finn said, stroking my hair. "I've met them, and I'm in love with both of them. And from what I've seen, they love me too."

"Wha- How long have I been unconscious?" I asked, confused.

"A week-ish." Finn said, a small smile on his lips.

"Jesse went a week without me? I just gave birth to him and-" I blurted.

"Rach, calm down. Everything is okay. Stop worrying. Just lay down and go back to sleep." Finn said, pushing me back under the covers.

"Only if you sleep with me." I said, pulling him beside me.

"I thought you'd never ask." Finn smirked, wrapping his arms around me.

And finally, I slept with my husband again.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now