That One Cut Makes A Huge Slash

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Chapter 6

Rachel couldn't deny the smile she had on her face the whole next day. Sadly, it was the weekend so she would have to wait to see Finn, but was looking forward to it.

"Rachel?" Hiram asked as she ate breakfast quickly, a smile on her face. "What's got you so happy?"

"Oh nothing." She wasn't sure how her dads would take the news that their little girl had a boyfriend.

"You're lying. She's lying." LaRoy added, throwing his hands in the air.

"Come on, tell us the truth!" Hiram slightly yelled, but Rachel's smile never faltered.

"I'm in love." She sighed.

"Excuse me?" Her dads said at the same time.

"Finn are I are dating now. We went on a date Friday night, and I'm in love." Rachel said dreamily, suddenly her phone getting a call from Finn. "Good morning."

"Good morning beautiful. Want a ride to school?" Finn asked, and Rachel immediately ran away from her dads to get her bag.

"Of course."

"Be there in two minutes. Bye."

"Bye." Rachel hung up and slung her bag over her shoulder, going back downstairs. "Finn is driving me to school."

Rachel ran out and to Finns car, kissing him before they drove away. "So how was your weekend?"

"Kinda boring." Rachel shrugged.

"Same. I had to listen to my mom tell me all about her job for hours and hours yesterday." Rachel giggled, getting a text.

'Hey sissy. Want to hang on Friday night? My house. Pizza. Movie. Just like old times. Love Jesse.' Rachel smiled, responding and saying she would come over.

The new couple walked into school hand in hand, and Rachel grabbed her books first and then Finn. They chatted as they strolled through the halls, everyone giving them weird and amazed looks.

When they arrived to glee club, everyone went silent. "What?" Finn asked, and everyone looked away.

Rachel pulled out her phone, beginning to text Jesse again.

'What movie? Because I've got classics and the news ones ~Jesse'

'Classics. I want it to be like we're 7 again ~Rachel'

"Rachel, phone away." Mr. Schue scolded, and she did so. "Alright, sectionals on Saturday, who's excited?"

Everyone cheered, and smile press across Rachel's face.

"Okay, today we're taking it easy. Just have a free period, do whatever."

Pretty much, all Finn and Rachel did was talk the whole time, everyone still giving them looks. When finally, Finn kissed Rachel's forehead and everyone gasped.

"Finchel!" Kurt yelled, jumping out of his seat.

The couple ignored the questions that were being thrown at them, and Rachel enjoyed the feeling of Finns arm around her shoulder.

After the bell, they walked to every class together. "Want to come over?" Finn asked as Rachel out her books away at the end of the day.

"Sure." They climbed into Finns car, and hummed to the radio.

When they got to his house, they went to the basement and started on their homework. As they went, Rachel was silent and doing social studies when she heard a gasp from Finn.

Her hand was suddenly pulled away from her work and to Finns lap. Rachel knew he had caught her.

"Is this what I think it is?" Finn asked, keeping calm.

"Ya, it is." She sighed, trying to pull her hand away but Finn didn't let her.

His finger traced the scars on her wrist, before pressing his lips to the cuts. "Why would anyone as beautiful and talented as you want to cut yourself?"

"Their was just a point in my life where I hated myself so much. I tried to kill myself once when I was ten, but Jesse found me passed out on my floor and brought me to the hospital before I bled out. He saved my life." Rachel explained, tears falling down her face.

"I'll have to give him a personal thank you for saving my Rachel." Finn said, and Rachel let off a small laugh.

"I had to go to rehab for a couple months until I finally stopped. But then I started again at the beginning of this year, and Jesse is the only one who knew. And now you, I guess." Rachel said.

"I'll never let that happen to you again." He looked around for a second. "Let's screw this homework and watch a movie." Rachel nodded, curling up under his arm as they started Les Misérables.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now