Pretending He's Beside Me

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Chapter 19

"On my own,

Pretending he's beside me..." Rachel sang, staring into the audience, well, at Finn in the audience.

Tonight, the glee club was coming to watch Rachel perform and she was ecstatic.

The performance went on perfectly and when Rachel bowed, the entire glee club screamed their heads off.

She ran backstage, changing and stage dooring. She came across her glee club, all acting like crazy fans.

"Oh, Mrs. Rachel Berry," Kurt screamed, "can I have your autograph?!"

"Uh, no. Come on, I'm hungry. I want dinner. Let's go to Ellen's." Rachel decided.

"I'm coming!" Ramin yelled, Chris, Cassie, and Andrew behind him.

"Over my dead body!" She yelled back, "let's go before they come after us."

They started towards the diner, and had a quick dinner. At one point, the waiter started hitting on Rachel, and Finn almost punched him. But didn't, and everyone got him to stay calm.

As they all sat in Rachel's living room, she sighed. "You're all leaving tomorrow."

"Ya, they're leaving now and I'm staying over." Finn spat out, and they all took that as a hint to leave.

As soon as the door was closed, Finn pulled Rachel onto his lap and connected their lips. Rachel pulled away, giggling. "So kicking them out was just so you could have sex with me?"

"Maybe." He said with a mischievous smile, pulling her back to his lips. Soon, they were back in Rachel's bedroom.


The next day, Rachel drove Finn to the airport, said goodbyes to everyone and then she went to the theater for her show.

"Is the hubby gone?" Chris teased when she came in.

"Ya, they all had to go back for school next week." Rachel sighed, starting to get ready.

"Are you going back for school?" Chris wondered.

"No, I'm doing school online. So I get to sit in here all day with you idiots and do homework." Rachel spat. "Now let me get changed, get out."

As Rachel got ready for her show, she thought about Finn. Her husband. She wished they could be together.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now