"Bad First Day?"

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Chapter 10

Rachel walked through the halls, people pointing and laughing at her.

Most people were noticing the bright white bandages that were wrapped around her wrists.

She ran into glee club and isolated herself from the others. She felt more like an outsider now then ever.

Rachel stole a glance at Finn, laughing as if nothing was wrong. A tear fell down her face.

As they ran through warmups, Rachel wanted to sing. But she couldn't, she wouldn't.

The rest of the day was torture. Everyone hated her. People pushed her into lockers. She got slushied three times and no one helped her clean the shit off.

Rachel walked through the halls before last period, but ran right into someone. "Oh shit! I'm sorry!" The boy said, and another tear fell from Rachel's eye. Finn. "Oh Rachel, hey."

She made a point not to look at him as she picked up her books and papers and going to English class. She passed Quinn, who looked like she would kill someone.

English felt like seven hours of lectures, because her teacher sucked. Rachel was getting her books at the end of the day when Quinn approached her.

"Stay the hell away from Finn!" She shouted, slamming her locker shut. Rachel nodded, trying to walk away. "Look at me when I talk to you!" Rachel slowly looked up. "Stay away from Finn, he's mine. I'm pregnant with his child," anyone passing by gasped, "he never loved you, and he never will. Stay away from both of us." She growled, pushing Rachel to the floor.

She began to sob, pushing herself up and running out the door. She ran past where everyone from glee was having a conversation. "Rachel!" Puck yelled.

Rachel ran straight to where Jesse was leaning against his car, waiting for her. She jumped into his arms, sobbing silently. "Bad day?" Rachel nodded, and he sighed. "Alright, let's get you home."

He wiped her tears and they climbed in, silently driving home. When they arrived, Rachel sprinted up the stairs, flopping on her bed, face down. Jesse entered, sighing again. "It'll get better, I promise."

Rachel rolled over, looking at him. "Hiram called me today at school. He said him and LaRoy finally got my messages. They're getting on a plane tomorrow night." Rachel nodded, bundling herself under the covers. "I'm gonna do my immense amount of homework, you should too, Rach." She nodded, ignoring him.

After Jesse did four hours of homework, and Rachel did hers, they sat down with dinner and a movie. "Rach, are you okay? You're even more distant then usual." He knew she wouldn't respond, but he needed some kind of answer.

Rachel jumped up, grabbing a pad of paper and a pen. 'Quinn pushed me down after school, people hate me even more, and I got slushied three times.' She wrote quickly, shoving it towards Jesse.

"That Quinn girl is out of line. Anyone who hurts my baby sister is gonna get a beating!" He shouted, holding onto her protectively. She pushed him away, smiling.

"I'm coming to school with tomorrow." Rachel shook her head quickly. "Just for the beginning. I'm gonna go give this Quinn bitch a piece of my mind." Rachel nodded, finishing her food.

The next morning, Rachel woke up, dreading the events that would occur first period. She got dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt, and uggs, wanting to be comfortable for her stressful day ahead.

When she got downstairs, Jesse was asleep on the couch. She smiled, walking over and beginning to jump on it. "Oh shit, I was supposed to get up. I'll go make breakfast."

Rachel quickly shook her head, pushing him back down. She ran into the kitchen and started making pancakes for them both. "Thank you Rach." Jesse said when she gave him food.

Once it was that dreaded time to leave, Rachel started to get scared. "Don't worry, I won't punch her or anything, I'll just yell at her." That didn't reassure Rachel at all, but she went along with it.

Once they parked, Rachel began to get out, but Jesse didn't. She gave him a look. "I need to do something. I'll be there, don't worry."

Rachel rolled her eyes and left anyway. She quickly got her books from her locker, and went to glee. Not many other people were there, and as it came closer to when the bell would ring, she got nervous.

Surely, the bell rang with no sign of Jesse. "Alright, get ready to sing." Mr. Schue handed out sheet music to everyone and began vocal warmups.

Halfway through, the door flew open to show an angry Jesse. "Where's Quinn?!" He shouted, and Santana sneakily pointed to her from behind. "How dare you push my sister!"

"Mr. St. James, leave." Mr. Schue growled.

"Hell no, I'm not leaving until this bitch apologizes to my sister!" He shouted even louder.

Rachel began to blush, and stood up. She grabbed his hand, pulling him away, but he resisted. "No, Rachel I'm not leaving."

Rachel quickly smacked the back of his head, causing everyone to laugh. She pointed to the door, and he stomped out, slamming the door behind him.

Rachel gave everyone an apologetic shrug before returning to her seat, completely embarrassed.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now