I'm Having Your Baby

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Chapter 24

Now a week later, Finn was better and back to normal. Rachel was now two and a half months pregnant, and had a little bump. Barely noticeable if you weren't trying to look for it.

But Rachel took it safe and started wearing baggy tops instead of tight ones.

She had yet to tell Finn of the news, but thought of the perfect way to. Over Christmas break.

Everyone was going to be at home for the holidays, and Rachel and Finn were staying behind for a few days. They were going to go to Finns house for the holidays.

"Bye everyone!" Rachel yelled, waving goodbye to everyone as they climbed into their cars and drove away.

Rachel plopped down on the couch next to Finn, curling up beside him. "So tomorrow is Christmas Eve." Rachel smiled up at him.

"Our first Christmas together." Finn grinned. "So we'll stay here, do presents for each other, then stay over with my parents for Christmas."

"Ya, what time are we going over?"

"Around three, I think." Rachel nodded, closing her eyes.

The night passed by quickly, and soon they were laying in bed. Finn started kissing down Rachel's neck, obviously in the mood.

She rejected him. She turned her back to him, praying he didn't get angry. She felt him turn away too. Sighing, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Rachel woke up to an empty bed, and gasped. But smelt Finns cooking downstairs. Throwing on a sweatshirt, she snuck downstairs and into the kitchen.

Finn was making eggs, his back to Rachel. She snuck behind him, wrapping her arms around him. "Oh, good morning Rach. I made breakfast."

"I see, thank you." She sat on the counter cross legged, watching him cook.

"What?" Finn asked, smirking.

"Are you mad about last night?" Rachel asked quickly. "I was just really tired, and not really feeling it."

"It's fine, Rach." Finn said, placing his hands on her thighs and kissing her softly. "Now come on, let's go eat and watch Elf."

They both took their plates into the living room, and started watching their favorite Christmas movie.

They spent the next few hours watching movies, until Finn announced it was time to give each other presents. Rachel came down the stairs, taking many deep breaths, holding the small box in her hands.

Finn was already downstairs, sitting on the couch and smiling. Rachel sat down next to Finn slowly, putting on a fake smile. "You okay?" He asked. Rachel nodded. "Ok, this is for you." Rachel opened up the box to see a beautiful necklace that said the word Finn. "So whenever you get back and Broadway and leave, you'll always have a little piece of me with you." Rachel smiled, kissing him quickly.

"Ok," she took a deep breath, "and mine for you." She handed him the box. As he opened it, she twisted her wedding ring. She prayed he wouldn't be mad.

"Rach, what's this?" He asked, staring at the piece of paper.

"It's an ultrasound." She said quietly.

"Oh my god." Finn gasped. "You're pregnant?"

"Ya." Rachel said timidly.

"Rach, this is amazing!" Finn cheered, hugging her and spinning around. "We're having a baby!" He yelled, smiling from ear to ear. "This is why you've been acting weird all week, right?"

"Ya. I was so scared." Rachel confessed.


"Well, because I told Jesse and he got all pissed. And he said that you wouldn't want a kid after we just got married, and we're seniors in high school. He just spooked me a little bit." Rachel told him.

"Well, I'll kill him the next time I see him. He crossed my family, he's dead." Finn started to rub Rachel's stomach, causing her to smile.

"Finn, as much as I'd love to stay here and cuddle with you, we have to get to your moms house eventually."

"Damn, ok. Let's go take a shower!" He shouted pulling her along.

So, after a shower together, they both got dressed and ready. "Rach," Finn wondered as she put her shoes on.


"How far along are you?" He asked quietly.

"I think, two and a half months." She stood up and looked down at her stomach, where it had grew a bit. Now extremely noticeable. "I guess I grew a little bit. And this dress shows it." She giggled.

"You look amazing. Let's go. I'm sure my sister is dying to see us again." Finn grabbed both of their bags for the night and they headed out the door and into the car.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now