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"Rose! Your breakfast is getting cold!" I shouted up the stairs.

"Coming mom!" Rosemary shouted, running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"You too Jesse!" I said, knowing he didn't want to get out of bed. "Hurry up!"

"But I'm tired mom!" He shouted back.

"Don't make me sick your father on you." I threatened playfully.

"I'll be down there in a minute!" He shouted frantically.

"Why do I always have to be the one to be sicked?" Finn asked playfully, putting his hands on my waist from behind.

"Sicked?" I said, turning around and laughing. "Good grammar."

"Hey." He scolded. "I'm gooder at grammar than you."

"Definitely." I nodded, rolling my eyes and pulling away from him. But suddenly their was a loud wail from the nursery. "Will you please get her? I have to get the other two ready for school."

"Of course." Finn gave me a small smile before jogging off towards the nursery.

Rosemary and Jesse were eating their pancakes in the kitchen, fighting with each other over what to watch on the TV.

"How about the news?" I said, swiping the remote out of Jesse's hands.

"But mom-" He whined, trying to get it back, but I switched the channel and then putting it on a high shelf.

"I think she wants mommy." Finn said, coming back in with a squirming Nikolette in his arms.

"Hey Nikki Mouse." I said in a baby voice, taking her into my arms.

"Maaaaaahhhhhh." She whined, her tiny hands clutching the fabric of my shirt. "Mmmmmeeeeee."

"Uh huh." I nodded. "Mom-my."

"Alright, you two little monsters gotta get off to school." Finn teased, kissing their heads.

"Give me kisses." I bent down so each of them could kiss my cheek and then they ran out the door and onto the bus. "Be good!" I shouted.

"Mmmmmaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Nikolette whined, squirming around. I put her down on the floor so she could crawl around, and smiled at Finn.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Finn asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me body against his.

"Hmm, nothing." He looked hurt. "Because you have to go to work in two hours and I have rehearsals tonight." He rolled his eyes.

"But we have two hours." Finn whined, already pulling me towards the bedroom.

"And you have to take a shower. You smell." I teased, pushing him towards the bathroom.

"Only if you shower with me." He said, also pulling me towards the bathroom.

"But theirs no one to watch Nikki. Sorry babe." I said, pushing him in the bathroom and shutting the door.

This is how the mornings usually go. I get the kids fed and out the door for school, Finn goes off to work- he's a music teacher and runs the glee club-, and then when he gets home, I go to rehearsals for my new role as Fanny Brice in Funny Girl- my dream role.

Ever since Finn came back when Jesse was born, my life has taken a turn for the better. I had Nikolette a few years ago, out of complete love.

And now I have all I need. My amazing family, and my dream role. After all I've been through, this is the result. And I couldn't be happier.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now