New York City Is My Real Home

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One year later

"Jesse, shut up," I snap at him sarcastically as we ate dinner.

Rosemary was beside me, bouncing up and down in her high chair. She reached for me, so I took her in my arms and sat her on my lap. I fed her the rest of her dinner, sending her crawling around the huge apartment when she finished.

"I have a class tonight, by the way," I said to Jesse, putting our plates in the sink.

"I meant to ask you," Jesse followed me into my bedroom as I put my sweater and beret on, "how was therapy last night?"

I sighed, wrapping my scarf around my neck, "It was fine. Not much happened," I pushed past him to get to where Rosemary was- trying to climb onto the couch, "Be good for Uncle Jesse, Rosie," I chimed, kissing her forehead and setting her on the couch.

"She's always good for me," Jesse teased, coming in and spinning her around in his arms, "because she's my little angel!"

"Alright," I giggled, "I'll be back in an hour," I walked into the cold air, closing the door behind me.

As I walked to the university, I got to thinking about how much my life has changed in the past year.

Finn left for the army two months after told me he wanted to join it, and pretty much left Rosemary and I to fend for ourselves. I still wore my wedding ring in hopes that one day he'll fly back home to me. One day.

After we all graduated from McKinley- I finished school online because I left Ohio when Finn did- I applied to NYADA and got in. I live with Jesse and Rosemary in a huge apartment only a block away from school.

I text and call Finn all the time, many times a day, but he never responds. I tell myself that he's in the army and he's incredibly busy. But that thought always flutters back in my mind of what if he's ignoring you, or even worse- cheating.

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind for my class, which was immensely boring. After class, I silently packed up my belongings and walked out the building.

"Rachel!" I heard someone shouting for me, and I turned to see my friend Brody, "What's up?" He caught up to me, smiling.

"Nothing much, what about you?" I asked, smiling back at him.

"Same, not much. Took a geography test a couple hours ago that I'm sure I failed," he chuckled.

"Hey, give yourself some credit. You're smarter than you think you are," I said as we continued walking in the direction of my apartment.

"Stop this, Rachel," Brody said, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking, "you act all cute and lovey when we're together but always turn me down when I ask you out,"

"I know, Brody, and I have my reasons," I said shyly. Before I could react, he was kissing me. I kissed back, but just because I haven't kissed anyone in ten months and I missed the feeling. But I pulled away when I remembered Finn, "Brody," I shouted, pushing him away from me, "I'm married and I have a daughter,"

I hadn't told Brody because I was afraid. I was afraid because I did like him. And some people found out and called me a slut because I got pregnant at seventeen. I did everything in my power to make sure he didn't tell anyone.

"W-What?" He said in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry," I said, turning and running away.

I ran into the apartment, taking off my winter clothes and going into my bedroom. I threw on pajamas, curling up under my comforter.

"Rachel?" Jesse said, walking into my bedroom, "are you okay?"

"Is Rosemary in bed?" I asked, sitting up.

"I just put her down," he sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards him, "what happened?" He paused, "is it something with a boy?"

"Ya, it actually is," I sniffled, "Brody kissed me, and then I told him about Finn and Rosemary,"

"And why is this a problem? Do you still love Finn?" Jesse asked.

"Of course I love Finn, with all my heart. But I also like Brody," I sighed, running my hands through my curly.

"Sleep on it, sis," he said, laying me down.

"You always know what to say. I don't know how you don't have a girlfriend," I teased, kissing his cheek, "goodnight,"

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now