Cars Suck

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Chapter 13

An hour after Rachel's dads left for work two days later, the glee club came over.

They all curled up in their pajamas with blankets and pillows on the couch and floor. Rachel laid her head on Finns shoulder, smiling as he kissed her head.

Kurt watched them, "holy shit. You two are my all time OTP. You're such an adorable couple." Everyone seemed throughly confused but Rachel kissed his cheek anyway.

They started watching Les Miserables, and got to when Valjean just starts as the mayor, when Jesse ran through the door. "Hey Rach, mind if I join? Mom is driving me crazy."

He sat on the floor and curled up next to Rachel's feet.

Another half hour passed, and they were up to when the barricade boys are singing in front of Larmaque's house, when Rachel got a call from an unknown number.

"I'll be right back." She said, running to her room to answer it.

Everyone shrugged, paying attention back to the movie. After five minutes of silence, they heard something smash and then a loud sob.

Finn immediately jumped up and sprinted up the stairs, and into Rachel's room. When he entered, he saw Rachel on the floor sobbing, and what was a glass of water smashed on the floor.

He lifted her up and cradled her, letting her cry. "Hey, it's okay. What happened?"

Rachel had to take many deep breaths before answering. "My dads were driving to work and ran a red light, and they crashed into a truck. Neither of them made it out." She sobbed, holding onto him. "Can you tell everyone to go? But let Jesse stay, and send him up so I can tell him?" Finn nodded, placing Rachel down and kissing her forehead.

So Finn kicked everyone out and sent Jesse up to Rachel's room. Finn wasn't sure what to do, so he just cleaned everything up and left.

Upon getting home, he saw his mother in tears on the couch, his sister nowhere to be seen. She stood when she saw him, and immediately pulled him into a hug. "Mom, what happened?"

She pulled away, a hug smile on her face. "Your father was shot in the shoulder in battle."

A smile spread across Finns face too. "So he's coming home?" He shouted.

"Correction, already home." He heard a voice behind him.

Finn ran forward, hugging his dad and trying not to hurt his arm. "Oh my god, you've gotten rather tall. Almost taller then me. I've missed you son." They embraced for a while, before finally pulling away and siting down.

Marisa came running in a few minutes after, jumping on her dads lap. His mom spoke, "I thought you were gonna be gone all night at Rachel's?"

"Ohh, who's Rachel?" His dad smirked.

"Ya, Rachel is my girlfriend. And something happened and everyone left." He sighed, not wanting to talk about it.

"So tell me about this girl." His dad started, "is she pretty?"

"Really? Just wait, I'm sure you'll meet her soon." Finn chuckled.

"No, I want to know. Show me a picture." Finn rolled his eyes, but pulled out his phone. It didn't take him long to find a picture, as Rachel had stollen his phone at least twenty times and spammed him with selfies of her, Mercedes, and Kurt.

"Wow, she's really pretty. You scored a good one." Finn laughed, trying to grab his phone. "Oh my god, your entire camera roll is pictures of her." He burst into laughter.

"Haha, be quiet. She took all of those. Let's get off this topic." Finn said, locking his phone.

"Yes, how are you feeling? How's your arm?" Finns mom asked.

"I feel great. I'm happy to be back with my family for good." He smiled.

An hour went by and everyone filled in his dad on what had happened in the last couple years. Once his dad had come back from putting Marisa to bed, Rachel called him.

"Girlfriend calling you, Finny?" His dad teased.

"Yes, but I'm sure it's for a good reason," he said, knowing it was. He went in the kitchen and answered his phone. "Hey,"

"Hi," she answered numbly.

"Feeling okay?" He asked gently.

"I don't know. I've passed sadness, anger, frustration, as now I just feel numb. I keep waiting for them to walk through the door, even though I know it won't happen." She sighed, hiding back tears. "I just called to tell you that I need you to help me and Jesse plan the funeral. I can't do it by myself."

"Of course. I'll be there for you." Finn said.

"Thank you."

"Why don't you go get some sleep and we'll talk in the morning, okay? Call me if you need me."

"Ok, goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too." He hung up as he came back in the living room. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep." He retired to his room and laid in bed, the events of the day swirling through his mind.

"What the hell am I gonna do now?"

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now