Time For A Huge Change

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Chapter 21

*two months later*

The whole cast was having a dinner at Rachel's apartment, just having Chinese.

"I don't know, I've just been weirdly sick and have weird cravings." Rachel explained to everyone. "I'm a weird person."

"Ya, we got that." Andrew said.

"You just said weird, four times in one sentence." Chris explained.

"Whatever." Rachel spat.

"Ya know," Ramin said, his mouth full of food, "that sounds just like the symptoms my wife had when she was pregnant."

Rachel spit out the water in her mouth. "Pregnant?!"

"Ya, I mean, have you and Finn had sex?" Ramin asked nonchalantly.

Rachel blushed, "yes,"

"I would check, just in case." Rachel nodded, stunned.

She stayed silent for the rest of the night, her mind only on that one word. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant.

Once Rachel went to bed, she couldn't fall asleep. She was too distracted. She stayed up all night, stressing over it.

In the morning, the second it opened, Rachel ran out to the store and bought pregnancy tests.

As she waited for the results, she tried to bust herself with school. Didn't work. She tried eating. Didn't work.

Nothing could take her mind off of the test that only had a few seconds left.

Rachel took a deep breath before looking at the results. She sighed.


She immediately got on the phone with Kurt. "Hey babe, what's up? How's New York?"

"Kurt, is Finn near you?" She asked, starting to cry.

"Ya, he's right next to me. Everyone is listening, by the way. I'm in glee club." Kurt said, clearly confused.

"Take Mercedes and leave, please. I need to tell you two something." Rachel said.

"Okay." Rachel heard lots of yelling, including Finn saying 'what the hell is wrong with my wife', "alright, what's wrong? We're in the bathroom."

"Before I tell you, promise to me that neither of you will tell Finn because I'm going to." Rachel made them both promise before laying it down. "I'm pregnant."

"And Finns the baby daddy?" Mercedes cleared up.

"Of course he is." Rachel laughed, wiping her tears.

"That's amazing!" Kurt yelled into the phone.

"I know it is. Just please, keep a secret until I tell everyone." Rachel begged.

"Of course." Kurt promised again.

"When are you gonna tell everyone?" Mercedes asked.

"Soon. Soon."

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now