I'm Moving In

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The next week, my feelings had been sorted out. I'm staying with Finn. Not that I was ever leaving him, but I don't love Brody like I love Finn.

Jesse was out for the day, and I was having a fun day with Rosemary in the apartment. We danced around to showtunes, and also watched a bunch of her stupid kiddy TV shows that make not-one-year olds want to cry when they watch it.

Jesse texted me sometime around noon and said that he was staying at his friends apartment for the night to study- he was also attending NYADA- and hoped it was okay with me. Of course it was.

I sat Rosemary in her high chair, giving her her lunch while I made some grilled cheese for me. I pulled up Pandora on my phone, putting on my Whitney Houston radio. I Wanna Dance With Somebody came on and I started dancing around in my pajamas, making Rosemary giggle.

"I wanna dance with somebody," I sang, pointing at her, "I wanna feel the heat with somebody,"

I finished my food a minute later, the song still playing. I put my lunch on the table, picking Rosemary up and twirling her around the apartment.

But then their was a knock at the door. Groaning, I set Rosemary on the floor and lowered my music before running to answer their door.

I gasped. "Oh my god!" I chimed, "what are you two doing here?" I asked, jumping into Kurt and Blaine's arms.

"We just needed today get out of Lima. We got an apartment a few blocks away and we wanted I say hi and how are you," Blaine explained, shutting the door as I invited them in.

"You're apartment is amazing," Kurt gushed, "and I love the Whitney," I giggled, just as the song ended, "loved it while it lasted,"

"Now where's that little devil?" I asked playfully, beginning to search for Rosemary. I found her in the living room, trying to climb onto the sofa, "Not so fast," I giggled, lifting her into my arms, "Come meet your Uncle Blaine and Uncle Kurt,"

"Uncles?" Kurt asked, looking touched.

"Well, the glee club is like my family, and Blaine you're engaged to Kurt so you are part of the family. So it's only right that you all are the aunts and uncles of my child," I smiled, keeping Rosemary steady on my hip.

"That's amazing, Rachel, thank you," Blaine smiled.

"But here she is," I said, gesturing to Rosemary, "Mrs. Rosemary Hudson," I choked a little at her last name, Finns image flashing in my head.

"She's absolutely adorable," Kurt said.

"Would you like to hold her?" I asked, giving her to Kurt.

I went into the kitchen while they sat in the living room with Rosemary. I cleaned up a tiny bit before going back into the living room with them.

Rosemary had fallen asleep with her head on Blaines shoulder, and I smiled at them. I took her from him, setting her down in her crib and shutting her bedroom door.

I went back to the boys, and they immediately started talking. About what I've missed in Lima- a lot- and why they were here. Kurt got a job at Vogue.Com and Blaine is hoping to make his Broadway debut.

"So," Kurt said nervously, "how have you been?"

"We've been over this, I'm fine," I said dumbly, knowing what he was talking about.

"We meant with the whole Finn thing," Blaine said delicately.

"It hurts constantly. But Jesse is here to help me pick up the pieces, and he's amazing with Rosemary. Finn never returns my calls, texts, facetimes, Skypes, or letters. I have heard from him since the day he left," I explained, now realizing how much I missed him.

"And how's your, uh-" Kurt took a deep breath, "cutting?"

I got angry, "Did Jesse tell you about that?" I growled.

"He kinda contacted the entire glee club and told them when he found out," Kurt said.

"I'm am fine." I said shortly, "I haven't cut in two weeks and I'm getting help to make sure I don't do it anymore," That was a lie. I cut myself every day, but they didn't need to know that.

"Amazing, Rachel," Blaine checked the time, "I'm so sorry. We have to go,"

"We'll be in touch," Kurt nodded, hugging me again before leaving with Blaine.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now