Christmas Eve.

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Chapter 25

Just as suspected, Marissa jumped into Rachel's arms the second the door was opened.

"I haven't seen you in so long, Rachy!" Marissa cheered.

"I know, I've been in New York." Rachel sighed, glancing at Finn.

"Get used to it, Rach." Finn shrugged, and she had to agree.

"Oh," Carole said from the kitchen, "so he knows now."

"Ya, told him this morning." Rachel smiled.

"Wait!" Finn shouted, "you knew?"

"I did too!" His dad yelled from upstairs.

"They all know, and so does glee club, and Jesse, and my mom. Everyone but you, until this morning." Rachel said, listing off the people.

"Wow, alright then. I feel so left out." Finn said, pretending to be sad.

"Well, now you're not because you know!" Rachel said, hopeful.

"Uh huh. You're lucky I love you."

"Love you too." Rachel grinned playfully.

"Rachy, come play with me!" Marissa yelled, so Rachel sat on the floor with her and started to play with her dolls. Finn sat and admired his pregnant wife.

After a while, they ate dinner and then sat down in the living room to watch movies. After watching Elf, again, everyone went to change into pajamas.

As Rachel and Finn changed in his room, Rachel stopped to look at herself in the stomach. Mostly the bump on her stomach. She sighed.

"What's wrong, Rach?" Finn asked from the other side of the room.

"What are the kids at school gonna say? When Quinn pretended she was pregnant, people sleighed her. I don't want to happen." Rachel explained, a tear falling down her face.

"Rach," Finn turned her around, wiping away her tears, "I'd never let that happen to you. If anyone teases you, I'll find them and kill them. Nobody is going to lay a finger on you or say one mean word to you. And if they do, I have a grave dug already. Okay?"

Rachel nodded, hugging him. "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too," Finn pulled away and scanned her body, "no please, put some clothes on. You're turning me on and we can't have sex. Even though I would love to, no."

"Why? You don't love all this?" Rachel teased.

"Oh believe me, I love that all very much. You just refuse to have sex with me when you're pregnant-"

"Hey! Keep it PG in my house!" Carole yelled, banging on the door.

"Sorry mom!" Finn yelled back. They both erupted into a fit of giggles as Rachel put her pajamas on.

As they walked down the stairs, Rachel apologized to Carole herself. She was totally embarrassed.

They sat down and watched more movies until midnight, and Marissa's head fell onto Rachel's lap. "I'm tired. I want to go to bed. And Santa will come once I'm sleeping, right?" Marissa asked.

"Oh, you can't sleep yet," Rachel said loudly, "you have to put cookies out for Santa!"

Marissa jumped up, pulling Rachel into the kitchen. She sat Marissa down on the counter as she told her where the cookies were.

"So put out this. And this. And this." They made the plate look very nice for 'Santa'. "Can I pour the milk, Rachy? Pretty please?!"

"Alright, fine. Can you do it by yourself?" Rachel asked, handing her the cut and carton of milk.

"Yes. I'm a big girl." She said, smiling brightly at her.

As Rachel watched her struggle to put it, she went behind her and helped her. As she did, she glanced up at where Finn was watching the two, smiling. Rachel smiled back.

After Marissa picked the perfect spot for the cookies, she went up to bed. Soon after, Rachel and Finn did.

"Goodnight my darlings." Finn whispered in the darkness, his hand on Rachel's stomach.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now